- Created By huami22
"Prince Of Tennis"
Prince Of Tennis
~ Ryoma Echizen and the rest of the Seigaku crew get our score of Love-Love!
Why You Love Prince of Tennis:
1. Ryoma is one INTENSE tennis player. He's so good, it's almost scary.
2. The other members of the Seigaku team aren't half-bad either, especially team captain Tezuka.
3. You didn't care for tennis before, but after watching this anime, it's suddenly the most exciting sport ever.
4. Prince of Tennis is so crazy-popular that it's spawned tons of CDs, musicals, and even its own live-action movie!
5. You can't wait for that part of the episode when Ryoma shows up and puts an arrogant opponent in his place. Go, Ryoma, go!
Prince-Ly Pointers
~ Everything we know about tennis, we learned from Prince of Tennis.
1. Put the right spin on a tennis ball, and it will do impossible things.
2. Scratching a racket with your fingers is the ultimate way to irritate everyone around you.
3. When you improve your skills as a player, make sure you glow gold or white.
4. Vegetable juice is the ultimate motivator.
5. Every match is more exciting in slow motion.
Our Fave Ryoma ComeBacks
~ Because when you can walk the walk, you have the right to talk the talk.
• Sasabe: "Anybody can ace a return if it was an underhanded grip!"
Ryoma: "Yup, there are those who use those excuses for losing."
• Nanjiroh: "How about a handicap?"
Ryoma: "No need."
• Shinji: "I'm going to make you work until the end."
Ryoma: "Hey, sorry to bother you while you're talking to yourself,
but can you hurry up and serve? I have to beat you in a little over three
Article From: my fav. magazine. K-Zone Magazine ( February 2008 )
Note: I'm sharing this article to those who forgot or didn't afford to buy this issue of the Magazine... ~ ♥ huami-chan
Thank You's and Sources : deviantart.com for the pics and k-zone magazine for the article.
Top 10 Funniest Moments in Anime.... (Part 3)
Top 10 Funniest Moments in Anime
2. Yukino's Special Attack: "Flying kick to the STOMACH"
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, episode 1
The first episode of Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou packs quite a punch - or high kick. Pretty, prim, perfect Miyazawa Yukino is a completely different person at home. When the most popular boy in school comes to their house for a suprise visit, she mistakes him for one of her sisters, whom she often fights with. Miss Perfect greets Mister Perfect by flying through the air and planting her foot squarely on his stomach.
1. "Osuwari!"
Inuyasha, episode 2
Of all the funny moments in anime, this bags the top spot for being one of the first and one of the most memorable. Kagome realizes she can control Inuyasha, the demon dog boy, with a magic word of her choosing. And the magic word she chooses is... "Sit!".
source: my favorite magazine, KZONE mag.
Top 10 Funniest Moments in Anime... (Part 2)
Top 10 Funniest Moments in Anime
6. Gourry Gabriev Dresses Up Like a Girl
Slayers, episode 17
Who can forget this classic? slayers loves bringing on the laughs, and nothing is funnier than a big, blond, macho hero disguised in a pink frilly dressed - and loving every second of it. He wears a pink dress in Slayers Next, too!
5. Vash the Stampede Runs out of Bullets
Trigun, episode 1
Trigun is actually a serious anime, but it starts off with a funny scene involving madcap marked man Vash the Stampede. In the first episode, when he tries to shoot the bad guys and realizes he has no bullets, he has a full-on major drama-queen freak out! Yikes!
4. Zoro Not Wanting to Be Frozen Ugly
One Piece
This comedy series about pirates is big on laughs. During the candle arc, everyone panics when the entire crew is in danger of being frozen in melted wax. But big, burly swordsman Zoro raises his sword up in to the air and strikes - a pose. If he's going to be turned into a wax figure, at least he's going to be a pretty one!
3. Monkeys Beat Up on the Getbackers
Getbackers, episode 26
Remember that famous scene where the Getbackers boys were taking a peek at the girls' side of the hot springs? That wasn't even the funniest part! The episode is about a stolen jewel. And it turns out that while the Getbackers went on a "wild goose chase", they should've gone on a wild monkey chase instead!
source: my favorite magazine, KZONE mag.
Top 10 Funniest Moments in Anime.... (Part 1)
Top 10 Funniest Moments in Anime
10. Ranma Saotome's First Kiss -- from a GUY!
Ranma 1/2, season 2, episode 1
What is the one thing that can make Ranma Saotome cry? Nope, it's not the thought of his fiancee Akane Tendou getting marriede to another guy. Even when he's in girl form, Ranma retains the soul of a boy, and the soul of this particular boy is brought to tears when Mikodo Sanzenin, the dashing half of the "Golden Pair" of skating, kisses girl-Ranma on the lips. (eeww...)
9. Basketball Genius Sakuragi Hanamichi Does a Slam Dunk, on his Team Captain's head.
Slam Dunk, episode 7
There are tons of comic heroes in anime, and Sakuragi Hanamichi is one of more famous ones. He may think he knows basketball, but the first time he attempted a slam dunk, he not only missed the hoop by a mile - he dunk the ball onto the Shohoku team captain Akagi Takenori's head! So much for "genius"!
8. Naruto's Special Attack: "Death of Thousand Years".
Naruto, episode 4
This was originally sensei Kakashi's technique, but he has passed it on to Naruto. It consists of poking the... err... backside of the enemy with the tips of one's forefingers, causing the enemy to jump into the air and suffer humiliating pain. Some TV networks have cut out this scene from the anime because people may find it offensive.
7. Spike Spiegel Reacts to Faye Valentine's Singing
Cowboy Bebop, episode 5
In bounty hunter Spike Spiegel's past, there was a women named Julia, who sang to him while he lay wounded. In his present, there is a woman named Faye, who sings to him as he lies wounded and covered in bandages. He calls Faye over to him so he can tell her something... and that something is that she's singing off-key. Now it's Faye's turn to give him a piece of her mind!
source: my favorite magazine, KZONE mag.