Anime File No. 2: Flame Of Recca...

Flame Of Recca

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Recca No Honou or Flame of Recca is a 42 - Episode series similar to Yu Yu Hakusho. It's all about a teenager named, Recca Hanabishi. He told everybody that he will be a slave to anyone who can defeat him.

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His new friend, Yanagi, Sakoshita and him was attacked by a strange woman claiming to be immortal. He soon discovered that he can produce fire from his arm.

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After a brief skirmish with Tokiya Dylan, an enemy-turned-friend, he would use all his ninja skills to infiltrate the mansion of a very powerful man named Kouran More.

Recca would learn more about controlling his powers. The tournament pitted Recca and his friends against the:

* Uruha
* Kurei's Assasin Squad:
* First, Team Kuu
* Then, Uruha Illusion
* Afterwards, Uruha Sound
* Uruha Magic
* Uruha Scarlet - whose members were carefully chosen by Kurei himself.

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In the End , the loser was the one who demented enough to fight something he could not control.
