I have been SO EXTREMELY busy for the past year. I got a small break around Christmas time, but not long enough to do much. This summer I am focusing on being out of the house as much as possible, but when I am here I am going to devote time to art because I haven't been able to draw much this year, and I was starting to loose my enthusiasm and imagination for it. After 3 drawings *in 2 days* I feel completely happy that I can draw again, and I love every moment of it. I can't promise I'll be super active on here cause lets face it, This site still confuses the crud out of me. xD Check my DeviantArt : http://sashikuchan.deviantart.com/ for new art, and things not related to fan art. Lately I have mostly been drawing original things, so I haven't posted much on here because of that.
By the way, The image is the most recent one. I drew it yesterday and I'm pretty happy with it for being my first time trying that style. I like not using lines. ^_^ It's super tiring though cause you have to do so much shading. It took me roughly 10 hours to complete. And I did it all in one sitting too o.o;; it didn't feel like that much time went by, but I was sick with allergies so I was kind of out of it anyway. :P

These are some results to quizzes which I'm posting randomly:

Hi, I haven't been on here in ages. :> I was drawing the sapphire tears comic before, but my style has changed quite a lot, and I now have a new fandom, so I am going to discontinue it. Dx
I still LOVE Tsubasa, but since I found a game called *Harvest Moon, More Friends of Mineral Town* It has had a chain reaction on me. I now have joined SEVERAL Harvest moon groups, own several games, and am planning on doing some fanart for it. :) My ALL TIME fave Harvest Moon game is Tree of Tranquility. <3 Also, my second fandom is... hamtaro. xD I just think its adorable. I even have my own hamsona ^.^
I have just moved into a new house, and I am very very busy u_u. So I am tired all the time, and lazy. But even through all that, My urge to draw is probably stronger than ever. :D