The Vampire Ranks

Political Ranks


Now you would have seen me mention a Prince a few times. Every city has a Prince, even some smaller city towns. if there's a gathering of humans, there's a vampire population. always remember that. The Prince is the most powerful vampire of the Camarilla (yes I'll explain that later) in that area. They are the law makers and rule. when travelling city to city you have to get permission from the Prince to enter each domain. If you wish to sire a fledgling, you must get the permission of the local Prince, if you screw up, it's the Prince who decides your fate. You can't avoid having some dealing with the Prince, though for the most part you will only have to deal with their Seneschal.


I hate typing Seneschal, so I'm going to be a lazy little butterfly and just say 'S'. The 'S' is a very influential vampire selected by the Prince, and can act on behalf of the Prince in almost all matters except dealing with other influential kindred, Clan Elders and any other vampire who has gathered significant rapport, and dealing with issues such as destroying another powerful Kindred. A 'S' can step into the place of the Prince at anytime for any reason and will often be the Prince's successor in case of final death. The Prince will often pick one of their own childe (fledgling) or Kindred with similar opinions and ways as their own so as to ensure things continue to be run their way. Very few Princes chose not to pick a 'S' which can make times interesting when a Prince suffers final death for whatever reason.


Chancellor is basically the records keeper. They keep track of whose made pacts with whom. Their roll is simple, yet so complicated. You try keeping track of a bunch of squabbling vampire’s records while they play each other for power. Many sects of vampire make use of a Chancellor, though they may use a different name.

These are the base ranks of the Camarilla. As I am Camarilla myself (I think), I don't know much about the power structures in other sects such as the Sabbat and the Anarchs. But maybe as time goes by I'll learn something. we shall see. There are of course many other positions, but they're all minor and vary from city to city. Every Prince has their own way of running things.
The next post I'll explain all the different clans and then you'll learn what a Malkavian is :D yaay

The sun is starting to rise now so I need to crawl off into the shadows. See you next time!!