Operation: King's Ransom- Op 1

The aircraft shook violently as it soared above the exotic fauna below.
Hot air blasted the inside of the flying fortress as the door slowly opened, revealing a great rush of foliage. The sky was a hazy shade of orange and the sun seemed to be hiding among the clouds, afraid of the stray bullets being fired below.
"You know your orders?" a quiet but authoritative voice asked it. It nodded."Remember who it is your supposed to rescue,"the voice said. It turned and stared at him for a moment, and a strange look came over its face. A look that meant it either fully understood its orders and was ready for its daring mission,
or that it had absolutely no idea what he had just said, and that six hundred thousand American dollars and seven years of exhaustive training, not to mention
a dozen of the finest animal handlers,had been wasted, and this was going to be a complete disaster.
Suddenly, it stood upon its hind legs. Two handlers came to strap a utility belt around its waist. it walked slowly towards the open door and, upon seeing the incredible speed at which the jungle seemed to pass below the plane, it winced and stepped back. In an instant, one of the handlers jumped on its back and, after a few scratches, attached a parachute to its back. It turned its head and stared at the trainer. A stone faced glair was set on his face. without warning, the floor fell from under it. There was no turning back now.
The bear was airborne.
