Hello everyone! ^^ Thanks for everyone who's given me and Ryuchu their wishlists so far! We're missing 11/55 wishlists though, so I hope you guys get them in on time for tomorrow if you haven't! >.< Ryu-chan will probably post a reminder on the World tomorrow, but I'm just putting a little notice here for those of you that follow posts on this World of mine. ^^
I hope you all are doing well! I'm getting excited for pair-ups!(Ryu-chan's doing them this year! haha)
Take care!
Hello everyone, it's as the title says! Please remember to post up your wishlist and send a link for it if you plan on staying in the SS Valentine's Day event Ryuchu and I are hosting by this Friday, January 18th! Thank you very much!
I know you guys are busy, but please let me know if you're not planning on staying in the event because I don't know your agendas >.< Thanks a lot and I hope you all are doing well!
Oh, and I hope you can join in if you haven't yet! The more the merrier! <33
Take care!<3
For the SS Fanart Be My Valentine Event 2013 co-hosted by me and Ryuchu!<3
Hello to my dearest Secret Valentine!<3 ^^
Thank you so much for what you're about to create!<3 I just want to start off by saying, don't freak out that I'm one of the hosts! LOL I'm no different from any other artist participating in this event, so please just have fun! ^^
Second, I'm a person who likes to give many options, so don't be surprised by all of the choices! Please just pick one that you enjoy doing!<3 I'll love any of them!
Third, I love it when characters are kept in character--so maintain their personalities as best as possible if you can! If not, that's alright! I'm open to surprises and love artistic creativity/freedom, so let your imagination run wild!
Here are some of the things I'd love to see! There is no order of preference, I'm simply listing them all for you<3:
My Characters
1)My OCs, Kurosawa Itou and Inoue Miharu together.
You're also welcome to draw either of them separately.
--Sorry I don't have more refs of them OTL.
They don't have any official outfits, so please create whatever you see fit! ^^ <3
2)My Kingdom Hearts Fan Character, Riiya. She's both sweet and innocent personality-wise, so that's the main thing to know about her. She really likes Cloud, but it's not reciprocated(though she wishes it were, of course).
--You can draw her with Cloud in his KH1 outfit, (despite the second ref below) or in a fun pic with her sister-like fellow KH OC friend Kiyoko Valentine(fire.freak's character).
-->[link][link](<<-art by FUNimation)
Again, don't mind outfits! You have complete artistic freedom ^^
Characters in other works I love
(Please feel free to do any of them alone as well!)
1)Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians.<3 He's a fun-loving guy, the spirit of winter, who is somewhat mischievous but also very kind and passionate for what he cares about.
--I'd like to see him charismatic and/or having fun~! He's pretty good-looking so...yeah. haha xD Please be sure to pay special attention to the details on his outfit!
2)Kenshin Himura, Sojiro Seta or Aoshi Shinomori from Rurouni Kenshin.<3These three are all inspirational(artistically and personally)/relatable characters for me and I love all three of them very much.
--Please note Aoshi's double kodachi, if you decide to draw him. >.< You can draw him with or without the huge jacket too haha.
3)Alice Seno and Kyo Wakamiya from Alice 19th.<3 They're just a really sweet couple and from the first manga series I ever read, so they're very special to me.<3
4)The Protagonist/Yu Narukami or Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4.<3 I do like the protagonist with Yukiko Amagi, but you don't have to include her with him if you don't want to.
--Glasses may be on or off as you please. Also, you have the choice for their outfits(since they kinda have a lot haha).
5)Alice Liddell and Blood Dupre together from Heart No Kuni no Alice/Alice in the Country of Hearts.<3 I love Wonderland-themed things, and this was just amazing for me haha. I love how these two are together. <3
Okay, well that's everything!! I hope these are to your liking! >.< I tried to keep them relatively open for your choosing.<3 Thank you so much, Secret Valentine!! I can't wait to see what you create and I wish you all the best! ^^ <33
Hello everyone!! I wanted to wait a few days since my last post so I wouldn't be overwhelming you guys' backrooms with World posts xD First things first!
I'm co-hosting a Fanart Valentine's Day Secret Santa Event along with my amazing friend Ryuchu for 2013! We've got about 35 participants so far (only half of the 2011 Christmas SS I hosted), but the more the merrier and I'm grateful for who has joined so far! So spread the word and join if you haven't! ^^ We'd really love to have you!<3 (Deadline for admissions isn't until January 18th, though, so take your time deciding!)
I just noticed I have the exact same number of watchers on DA as I do on theOtaku hahaha. I don't think I've ever had above 270 (with the plus/minus of watchers/subscribers) at one point, so I guess I'll aim for that to be one of my goals this year!
List of resolutions from last year in review:
1) Focus on myself more! I need to learn to take care of myself and understand myself better little by little, both in art, health and life in general!
-I'm going to say this was kind of a success? I got a little bit more self awareness this year, that's for sure haha. But I'm still working in the health department. T__T
2) Work harder on experimenting, backgrounds and a variety of poses! And post more art in general~!
-This is the most unproductive year I've had...so I can't say I experimented as much as I wanted. T__T I think I've improved on detail work though!
3) Perform at one Open Mic for Singer-Songwriter club at my university!
-I decided that the group wasn't for me, so I ended up not going through with this. I may or may not decide to post a song cover on YouTube sometime, however! So I'll be thinking on that!
4) Set little goals so I can achieve big ones on the way!
-Eh.....I'm still working on this. Such a long term process, I think I aimed too high. >.<
5) Create a picture worthy of 100+ votes! >.< I doubt I'm ever going to get that high of a number anytime soon, but hey it can't hurt to dream right? haha
-This didn't happen on theOtaku OR dA hahaha. And it makes sense, I don't think I ever created a picture this year worthy of that amount at all(in faves/votes). More importantly though, I've come to a point where I worry about pageviews and such less, so yeah, I'm feeling better about that. ^^
6) SHOW MY APPRECIATION TO YOU ALL MORE!<3 I feel like I've been taking some of the people I know for granted, and I have to work harder on being less selfish and lazy >.<
-Sadly I was being quite selfish and STILL lazy(not really lazy, but just slow...) as I barely drew any art for anyone else this year haha. But I think some of you asked to see more work of my own characters right? I think I'll shoot for that and particularly more appreciation pics for you guys.
List of resolutions for 2013:
1) Work on SPEED! Along with emotions, backgrounds and coloring in particular for art.
2) Make a new DA ID finally!
3) Draw one fanart of each of my characters:
-Nameless princess curls girl whom I will eventually come up with a name for
-Nameless OC 2; introduce her! (ugh I swear names are so difficult haha)
4) AMBITIOUS GOAL: Make a drawing worthy of 100+ votes/faves (this is a hit-or-miss though haha--I'll be drawing for myself more!).
5) AMBITIOUS GOAL: Make an art piece that I'm truly proud of. (this one will probably be my toughest one haha)
6) Finally pass 270 watchers/subscribers! haha
7) Draw one fanart for each of the following fandoms:
-Rurouni Kenshin
-Rise of the Guardians
-Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee
-Alice 19th
-Code: Breaker
-Heart no Kuni no Alice
-Persona 4
8) AMBITIOUS GOAL: Make one fanart for every fandom I love.
9) Practice patterns and clothing designs
10) Draw one speedpaint.
11) Draw one picture with muted colors.
1) Beat Persona 4 (shallow resolution, I know haha.)
2) Go to Japan for the study abroad program!
3) Finish either The Annotated Alice or The Annotated Peter Pan(preferably both) by the end of the year
4) Work on my health!! Get in shape and be more confident!
5) Go to ONE Zumba/dance class.
6) Have a total of 500 kanji learned by the end of the year!
7) Get a boyfriend? NAH. Self-esteem first.
Things that happened to me in 2012
-Won my first real court case (parking citation incident)
-Changed my major from Journalism to Japanese/Double major with International Studies
-Became best friends with people who changed my life
-Went to Houston, Texas(My sister moved there) and Biloxi, Mississippi
-Volunteered with Beginning Japanese students for the first time(and LOVED it!)
-Started studying kanji on my own
-Won Best Logo in my Visual Journalism class
-Got my first semester of all A's (and no A minuses!) in college
-Completed an art trade with one of my idols for the first time
-Dealt with friendship drama for the first time in college (and all went well!)
-Met an online friend for the first time (FUNimation to be exact!)
Haha and I guess that's all for me! A short bit about Christmas: I celebrated it in Korea town in Atlanta, Georgia with my parents~ and I only got a few gifts, but I love every single one of them and know I'm going to be enjoying them for a LONG time. ^^
-Rise of the Guardians soundtrack
-Coffee mug and other personalized stuff from Japan
-The Annotated Alice
-The Dark Knight Rises DVD
-Loft $25 gift card
-Black fuzzy socks
-Pooh Christmas sweater
Other than that, there's not much else! I'm about 5/9 done with my huge picture, so I'll be sure I have it up as my first submission of 2012! Thank you all for the support you've given me and I'll see you around for the new year!! ^^
Fanart SS Valentine's Day Event 2013- Look here!<3
Hello everyone!!~ Gosh, it's been a little bit hasn't it? haha
I was aiming to finish this last huge drawing before 2012 ends, but I don't think that's going to happen given how long it's taken to do these past 5 parts(only 5/9 done @__@). I'm aiming to have it done by New Year's day though, so be prepared!
I'm jumping onto the bandwagon as well for the 2012 Art Summary..which currently has almost nothing and is kinda disappointing, but here it is!

And yeah. This is the first time I've had a month where I either didn't submit or didn't draw ANYTHING. T__T October is a special one--it was an ATC for a friend(and you'll get to see it later, in a huge collection of ATCs I've been working on, that is haha<3). April is a WIP and I sadly can't find a way to color the rest of it T__T
SO MUCH HAPPENING. It was probably my busiest year yet haha, particularly in the summer. Though I can say a lot happened in the pencil quality department, which I'm proud of, color didn't really return until December(my other color piece was in January LOL). No improvement really...though I can say it's better in terms of general detail work compared to last year. Speed is my main goal though in this next year! Along with emotions and backgrounds, of course!
I also did a meme on DA for the first time with my OC Miharu!! >.<
Otherwise...yes, SS admissions are OPEN for the Valentine's Day SS so I hope you all jump in and join us!! ^^ I'll be participating this year, and I will hope that my fellow co-host Ryuchu will too, so it'll be lots of fun! I'll be sending out some invites tomorrow but ANYONE can join! ^^
Not much else aside from that! I'll do my best to finish this huge piece come New Year's, so be prepared!
Oh! And I'll update about my Christmas later haha, there's too much happening in this post already. xD
I think it'll be fun this year so I hope you all join in!<3
Take care everyone!!<33