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Lovely card above by the incredible Angel Zakuro!<3 Thank you!<3

Hiya everyone~ ^^ Welcome to my little world!
This is probably just a place where I'll put my posts and such~ otherwise, probably not much is going to happen here ^^;
And the rest, I'll leave to you guys!~ Enjoy~

Art trades: Closed(sorta)
Requests: Closed
Gifties: Open(but only at my discretion, naturally)

A bit of information about me:

Name: Sayura/Sayura-chan(so friends call me)
Birthday: October 14th
Age: 20
Hobbies: Drawing, golfing, archery, playing piano, singing(some) and some other things ^^

Likes in no particular order(manga/anime/movie/game-wise):
Howl's Moving Castle-Howl/Sophie
Final Fantasy Series-Cloud/Leon/Tidus/Yuna/Vaan/Rasler/Ashe/Serah
Kingdom Hearts Series-Cloud Strife/Riku/Roxas/Namine
Hana Kimi-Izumi Sano/Mizuki Ashiya
Code:Breaker- Ogami Rei/Sakura SakuraKouji/Hitomi/Toki/Hachiouji Rui
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee- Gauche Suede/Lag/Jiggy Pepper/Aria /Zazie
Claymore- Miria/Isley/Clare/Riful/Teresa/Raki
Bleach- Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya/Kurosaki Ichigo/Ishida Uryu/Toshirou Hitsugaya
Heart No Kuni No Alice-Blood Dupre/Julius Monrey/Alice Liddell
Gakuen Alice-Mikan Sakura/Natsume Hyuuga/Imai Subaru/Ruka Nogi/Tsubasa Ando
Rurouni Kenshin-Kenshin Himura/Sojiro Seta/Aoshi Shinomori
The Gentleman's Alliance Cross-Takanari Togu/Haine Otomiya
Alice 19th-Kyo Wakamiya/Alice Seno/Frey
Shugo Chara-Ikuto Tsukiyomi/Amu Hinamori
Yu Yu Hakusho-Kurama/Hiei/Yusuke
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle-Fai D. Flourite/Syaoran Li
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion-Lelouch Lamperouge
Gundam SEED-Athrun Zala/Cagalli Yula Atha
Watashi Ni XX Shinasai-Kitami Shigure

The list goes on to pretty much anything =P I've read many more manga so if you want to strike up a discussion about a mangaka/game/anime/movie creator on this list, don't be afraid to ask! I've looked at many works by each of the above authors/artists!

-My Deviantart(active)

Something random you should know: I LOVE it when people draw the character's personality is intact(in other words, unchanged)~ it really gives the picture a better feel because they act the same as they were made to be.

Theme pic weekend: Gender bend and Photoshoot!

Hiya everyone~ I apologize for being so late with this post...stress has really been building up on me lately so I'm really having a hard time keeping up with this. I'm sorry to say that after next week's theme I'll probably have to stop doing comeback pics because of the failness of my time management. T__T But I promise to present something beautiful to you guys when I do have opportunities to post art!

So anyways without further ado, the piccys from this week's comeback themes-Genderbend and/or Photoshoot!:

RSRKingdomstars's piccy

Cherryshocks's piccy

IrrationalPrince's piccy

UnknownRumors's piccy

KeybladeMewKasa's piccy

FUNimation's piccy

khismylife's piccy

icefoxchan's piccy

Enjoy everyone and be sure to check them out!! I'll get to posting mine as soon as I can~ Take care!

This week's theme is announced!!<3

Hiya everyone! I do say that the first week of comeback piccys has gone quite well! After getting some of you guys's opinion on themes to do for this week and upcoming weeks following, Cherri-chan and I have narrowed it down to the votes actually being even xDD

So we're gonna be flexible and let you guys choose: Genderbender AND/OR Photoshoot~! If you can, try and get them in this friday/sometime this coming weekend~ but don't worry too much if you can't, just as long as you're helping bring the spirit back it's alright! ^^ I know that quite a few of us start school again(or have started school already) soon, so don't be too pressured to work on this, k?

And Akioh-chan(moonlitdream) and a few others wanted to do a Festival theme to celebrate the coming of Autumn, so next week's theme will be a festival theme!~ Have fun with the theme guys and don't forget to comment around if you can~!<3

EDIT: I also really really wanted to thank you all for the wonderful comments on my latest piccy and it turns out that the favorite feature of it was how I drew Cloud's hair apparently xDD That's actually my favorite part of the pic as well, but I was happy to hear you guys liked the Clouya art~! Thank you all sooo soo much for everything, really I'm so grateful and I promise to continue working harder for you all! *nods*

Votes and Ideas for Next week's comeback theme?

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Hiya everyone!! I FINALLY got my theme piccy up gosh... this weeks' theme was really tough for me xDD You'll know the details under the piccy's caption lol.
Alright well Cherri-chan and I thought that it might be best if we had a vote on some of the ideas we had...or if you guys could suggest some of your own that you might want to do for this friday! Don't be worried if you can't make it every single week, just try your best and have fun with it~! Also, thank you to those that made the theme piccy for the first theO comeback!!<33

Here's two of the ideas Cherri-chan and I have thought up for this Friday:
-Or how about...(I just came up with this) a genderbent photoshoot?

Any suggestions for new ideas? If not, let me and Cherri-chan know which of the two you guys are more in favor of!
Take care you guys!!<333

Theme pic Friday : Back to School!

Hiya everyone! So it looks like the first theme pic old theOtaku revival event has come!(I unfortunately am having some trouble finishing my pic...but I WILL get it done! xDD) I'll be posting the various works by our artists on here for today's theme~ so make sure you guys revive the old theOtaku spirit and go around commenting and such...even on people's works you don't even know!

xXxShiaxXx's piccy

Cherryshock's piccy

khismylife's piccy

Milkshakesss's piccy

FUNimation's piccy

Fire Fox Sakurie's piccy

Sage of Magic's piccy

Harvestmoonluvr's piccy

Aragorn1014's piccy

I'll keep adding more to this list as more piccys appear~ if there are others who have posted piccy's that I haven't linked here, let me know so I can add you/him/her! Take care guys!!<33 And thanks soo much for helping out~!

EDIT: Wow hypocrisy to the highest level xDD Cherri-chan was the one who came up with the revival plan idea, but I did help to spread the word around, so I should have finished the piccy today. However, I want to submit the best art I can...and if that is to happen then I can't just submit this as a sketch xD I promise it'll be one of my best works for tomorrow. The theme this week was just a tough one for me ^^;;
And for others like me, don't worry so much, it's not strict or anything. But it does have the best effect all on one day as opposed to the same theme over several days. Anywhos, tomorrow we'll decide a theme for next friday so I'll need you guys's help k? *hugs* I'm sorry again...*facepalm*

EDIT2: Never mind! Gonna try and finish tonight! *nods*

Reminder: Theme pic this friday!<3

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Hiya everyone!! I assumed that some of you/most of you have read my last post yes?(well I'm hoping so xDD) Well this is a little reminder that the theme for this friday is Back to School!!<33 Try and use some of your older characters/characters that theOtaku hasn't seen in a while(or some of your most popular characters) to remind people about the old spirit of theOtaku! This friday will be fantastic as the older members make a big comeback! ^^ Have fun with it everyone and good luck!!<33 *hugs you all*