Hiya everyone! So it looks like the first theme pic old theOtaku revival event has come!(I unfortunately am having some trouble finishing my pic...but I WILL get it done! xDD) I'll be posting the various works by our artists on here for today's theme~ so make sure you guys revive the old theOtaku spirit and go around commenting and such...even on people's works you don't even know!
I'll keep adding more to this list as more piccys appear~ if there are others who have posted piccy's that I haven't linked here, let me know so I can add you/him/her! Take care guys!!<33 And thanks soo much for helping out~!
EDIT: Wow hypocrisy to the highest level xDD Cherri-chan was the one who came up with the revival plan idea, but I did help to spread the word around, so I should have finished the piccy today. However, I want to submit the best art I can...and if that is to happen then I can't just submit this as a sketch xD I promise it'll be one of my best works for tomorrow. The theme this week was just a tough one for me ^^;;
And for others like me, don't worry so much, it's not strict or anything. But it does have the best effect all on one day as opposed to the same theme over several days. Anywhos, tomorrow we'll decide a theme for next friday so I'll need you guys's help k? *hugs* I'm sorry again...*facepalm*
EDIT2: Never mind! Gonna try and finish tonight! *nods*