Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood...

Where Christopher Robin plays,
We'll find the enchanted neighborhood
Of Christopher's childhood days~

Hiya everyone, and happy early Veteran's day! My golf coach is actually a veteran herself, so I best put out my feelings for them as well. I do hope all of our soldiers are doing well out there.

Also, pertaining to the title, I've been sort of getting back into drawing!! I'm still in a bit of a slump, but I'm trying to get some stuff done *nods* I'm really hoping to make a big come back with a finished piece...and I think I've got just the one!(Or just a few, rather *titlehinthint*)

I've also been promoted to Otaku Legend! >.< I'm sooo happy and it's such an honor! *jumps around* I've been around here for more than 3 years, so it's quite a big deal to me. My commenting style is pretty well-known, so I hope to keep that going. *nods* I hope you all enjoy my comments as much as I love doing them! I really do encourage you guys to really get out there and comment more, even on pieces by artists/card-makers/etc you don't know ^^

And! Tomorrow is also a day off! xD Random, but I like it<3 And Christmas as well as Thanksgiving are coming up!!~ I'm soo excited! *hugs you all* I hope you guys are doing well!(don't worry about commenting this..I just wanted to say hello ^^)
