Hello there everyone! I have much to say to you but no words can really express what I'm feeling >.< I came on and saw all of your wonderful comments a few days ago and I almost started crying with happiness. You all are so so wonderful, especially those of you that said such beautiful words to comfort me, I honestly can't thank you enough. Although I haven't personally met any of you, I feel like I know you all in such a special way that no words could ever describe that feeling of friendship and love I share with you guys. So to Truly-chan, Sam-kun, Ima-chan, Den-chan, Saxgirl-chan, Anna-chan, Deb-chan, and Angel-kun: thank you so so much for your kind words, I really felt you guys with me on the day I read them. To all of my wonderful friends, and you know who you are, thank you to you all too! I haven't cried yet...but until it becomes the appropriate time to grieve and truly let out my sadness about her death, I'll certainly be strong. ^^ And a lot of it is thanks to all of you guys<3 You all just make me smile! *super hugs you all* And I'm sure if my grandma was alive, she'd love to meet all of you and say that I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends ^^
So regarding the title, I have recently fell in love with the magical pages of Heart no Kuni no Alice<333 I love Alice in Wonderland itself but this manga is such a wonderful adaptation and twist to the story, it just makes me smile and feel so warm inside everytime I read a new page ^^ Not to mention, it's been a burst of inspiration to me for drawing~ so despite lack of time, I've managed to make a few things thanks to this incredible feeling I've been having thanks to Alice in the Country of Hearts. This might sound incredibly naive and idealistic, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that's been touched by Alice in Wonderland, no matter what form. ^^
Anyway, that having been said, I just wanted to excuse my absence because my mother still is having trouble recovering. I was unable to do anything for her on Mother's Day because she didn't want me to and she refused to see anyone or go anywhere for the first 3-4 days after my grandma's passing. I just hugged her and told her I loved her, and decided not to do anything because I wanted to respect her wishes on that. She wanted time to grieve, so I gave her that and as much comfort as I could on Mother's Day.
Thank you all so so much<33 You are certainly one huge piece of my heart and I'm certain that I never would have made it this far without you guys! I love every single one of you and take care! *hugs you all*