And now for winter break!

Hiya there everyone!! Gosh it's been a while since I've posted hasn't it..haha I keep neglecting everyone on here and goodness I've just been an awful friend >.< But good news is that it's FINALLY winter break for me!!<3 It's gonna be kinda blah because I've got much work to do over the break, but as long as I portion it out in bits and pieces, I'm sure I'll be alright.

My exams for midterms all went well! ^^ They were quite surprisingly rather easy haha...but that might be making assumptions too fast! >.< Now that it's getting close to Christmas Eve, I'm getting ready to amass some pics together to show you guys! Sadly I didn't get as much done as I wanted..but hopefully what I have will suffice to some degree xD I drew many many sketches that I'm hoping to color!

But enough about me, how are you all? Any plans for the break? I don't really have any but luckily my dad is finally coming home on December 21st!! And I'll be getting my driver's license over the break as well and seeing my cousins ^^ It should hopefully be a wonderfully eventful Christmas despite all that's happened this year. I'm looking forward to spreading the Christmas spirit around!

Anyway that's all for me~ I love you guys so much! Please take care and happy winter break!!<3
