Back from a long trip!~

Hiya everyone I'm back from a LONG trip and I heard the news that Sakurie-chan came back!! ^^ (and saw all of your wonderful piccys, you guys have improved SO much it makes me feel sad T__T)
So I went on a 3 day/2 night trip to this place called Vivaldi Park and spent the nights there with my family and some of my dad's students (it's a condominium place, REALLY nice! ^^) The first day we played arcade games and went sightseeing to some nice places and one of them was this really popular drama set for a drama called Winter Sonata! ^^ 겨울 연가 =P It was SO beautiful, the trees are soo nice there and there were ostriches =P
The second day we spent rafting for 3 and a half hours 0________o It was SO fun though, and the guy who was guiding us kept making us do silly things to make us fall off the boat on purpose =P But it was fun, though the water level was REALLY low =P That night though was THE MOST PAINFUL NIGHT EVER. We went to bowling and played this REALLY fun arcade game =P(spam buttons pretty much, I kept laughing like crazy ^^;) And afterwards suddenly the pain from the rafting set in and my arms were hurting so bad they were almost paralyzed from muscle aching! @_____@ And not to mention somehow I got some kind of rash on my arms too from rafting and I accidently put soap on it and it burned so much I almost screamed... 0____o but I'm better now~ my arms don't hurt as much ^^
So I'm back from my trip! And I've pretty much caught all of your updates I think~ I'll see you all around!! *huggles you all*

Oh and I believe I got a tag from Sayoko-chan! =P 8 random facts I believe?
1)Er... I like a guy that I have never actually met, only seen and talked to once on facebook 0___o
2)I bash myself for not having a "guy enough" anime guy eye style a LOT 0___o because I see so many other people being able to draw guy eyes and I can't T___T well, at least one I'm satisfied with =P
3)I play Maplestory and I'm level 78(that was random =P) and I'm aiming for level 120 0___o(also random ^^;)
4)I'm currently having to take 6 pills a day(3 times a day 0___o) and a syrup for ear problems and throat problems T___T
5)I'm currently working on a Kingdom Hearts Fan Manga in Shiro Amano's style and have thought up the story all the way up to Chain of Memories(yes I am that far ahead =P)
6)Um...(running out of facts =P)I've been drawing since I was six and my first anime's that I 've ever watched were Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon~
7)The artists that inspire me most on this site(do NOT kill me if I don't say your name ^^;) are RSRKingdomStars, Sora Hanaki, FUNimation, Fire Fox Sakurie, CherryShock and Sefaa3(yes you guys inspire me with your art everyday and I look at you guy's portfolios and wish I were as good as you guys!) You all are AMAZING artists and I LOVE seeing your works every time I come on here!(it makes my day to see everyone's art! ^^)
8)Some of my dreams are to 1)be able to finish my KH fan manga 2)finally be accepted by my relatives and reach the high goals they expect of me and 3)to be able to perform on stage as a singer in Korea and meet Battle and Shinhwa(=P I know the last one is weird but for some reason singing in korea feels kind of right 0___o)

I tried not to use facts I used before in previous tags ^^; but anyways! I tag!~
Sora Hanaki, Suerte, SaxGirl, MewKittyCatChan54, Yikes190, MerokoYui4, Karen Nobody, and MewMewPudding!
(I had a tough time choosing these because I wasn't sure who has been tagged already for one thing, and for another I hope they see this! T__T)
Take care everyone! Only 6 days until I come back to America~
