A month already?

Oh goodness gracious it's already been almost a month since I've updated this?? >.<
Hello everyone~ I'm SO sorry I've been so negligent of this place, I really have...I just am not seeing very many people online these days and it makes me really sad T__T Plus I'm hearing about some issues with e-card and wallpaper submissions and it's just worrying me that theO has turned into a whole 'nother place that I barely even recognize from when I first joined here..

I don't know, I almost feel like there's really no trace of the old theOtaku anymore these days. Back then before there were any "Challenges", I feel like more people wanted to join contests when they just posted about it and people spread the word. Nowadays I see so many challenges where there are zero, one or two entries and it saddens me so much. I feel like we all interacted so much more back then.

I know a lot of you are newer members and also that many of my friends are much MUCH older members but think about it, there have been quite a few changes lately huh?

In any case..my last day of school was on April 29th and I can't believe I'll never have to step foot on campus again except for our final farewell from teachers at the Senior Obligation Day and Awards Ceremony later this month. I just finished my first week of testing and it was REALLY intense haha..usually each day I had about 6-7 hours of straight-up testing so I'm pretty tired lol...I have about 3 more exams to go and then I'm finished, so I'm very excited!! (By the way, I'm not in school..we get a month off for exams xD And I have 8 this year with multiple papers for each one LOL).

I guess..well I'll figure something out! I'm going to work hard to finish some art..lately I've been so exhausted with exams it's been impossible for me to do ANYTHING else @__@
Love you all so so much!! And no need to comment if you don't want to, I just wanted to make this post to let you know I'm alive xD I keep losing subs haha but I can understand. I haven't been submitting very "good quality" art as of late. But I'll redeem myself I promise!
So! I'll see you all around~ please take care of yourselves!
