Question+Thank you!

EDIT: After messing with some settings, I've finally gotten my computer to accept Google Chrome! xD It wasn't allowing me to download it before LOL, so I'm very happy!
In other words, I'm able to comment again by using this web browser ^^ I hope I didn't mess anything up LOL but so far I love Google Chrome. =) Thank you all who suggested that I try out a different browser! ^^

Hello everyone! Happy September! ^^ I love when this month rolls around because the weather starts to cool down to welcome the Fall!<3 But unfortunately it's also one of the busiest months of the year OTL.

I wanted to say thanks so much to you guys for 50 hugs on my latest pic haha! It's been a while since I've had a newer work of mine make the front page of my "Most active" section in my portfolio xD I'm always looking to top old works(which I still have yet to do), but it looks like that won't be happening anytime soon.

Which leads me to tell you all about how silly I think you guys are for commenting so much despite my not being able to reply! >.< You guys are so so sweet, I can't thank you all enough! *hugs* I'm trying to figure out a way around this...maybe perhaps I'll send a PM to the mods about IE9 and the comment boxes.

I also wanted to just say how happy I was when I saw this challenge!<3 It gives me an excuse to draw Riiya again haha.

But more importantly, with my last pic's completion, I have finally completed my to-do list so I'll be focusing on myself and some art trades with close friends in this time! ^^ *nods*

And finally to just keep it short, here's the question of the day!
What are some of your favorite memories on theOtaku?

Whether you're a newer or older member, then just say what you like/liked now or way back when. ^^

Other than that, college is going well! Thank you all so much for the support! >.< I'll keep working hard!<3
Take care!<3
