It took long enough....

Hiya everyone!! ^^ Guess what day it is? Friday!! =P And I'm feeling quite happy today for some reason(even though not the greatest thing happened to me today xD)~

How are you all? I hope you guys are doing alright!! I apologize for not dropping pm replies by, I'll surely get to them this weekend! For commenting as well, I'll be commenting today to make up for lost time ^^:

Anyways, I've been doing several piccys that I really must get around to Ima-chan already knows, I've REALLY been wanting to CG for quite some time now because I've seen a few artists(including friends on here =P) that have inspired me to start up on CGing again ^^ There are also a few things I want to experiment with, so I'll get to those hopefully as well!

Oh and about the title, it took long enough for the weekend to arrive already xD It hasn't been THAT busy of a week for me because of FCAT testing, but there HAS been a lot of long-term homework, so yeah ^^:

There's a St.Patrick's day piano recital tomorrow and I'll get to see a certain someone there...but I don't know how I'll react really xD Maybe I'm over-thinking it though LOL
No worries~everything should be just fine ^^

Well, I've got some work I need to finish up today so I won't be killing myself tomorrow. So I'll see you all around!!<33 Take care! ^^
