And you know what that means...
If I ever stop being lazy and take the time to work harder and faster on my art, that is T___T I really really want to post something up this week(if not multiple things!)~
I'm currently working on 3 piccys(one of which is almost done and should be posted within the next day or two~)! And guess's a CANON CHARACTER xD(guess which one? =P) We need more canon characters lol and though he isn't necessarily a CANON CANON character, I think he is ^^;
Oh yes, and hiya everyone!(I forgot to greet you all at the beginning of the post ^^:;; sorry!)
Things have been brightening up for me lately~ there was quite a difficult chemistry test on friday, but the teacher surprised us and said that she'd let us finish on monday and we'd have the break to study! ^^ So I will be SURE to be ready for the test on Monday! *nods*
In other news, before I begin on one of the last things I have to say...let's see how I'm doing on New Year's Resolutions xD
New Year's Resolutions of 2009:
-Understand and communicate more with people around me: I AM actually getting better at this and I'm getting around to hanging more with my friends as well ^^ So yay! This one is going well so far~
-Stand up for myself and get one step closer to overcoming guilt: Hm...there haven't really been many instances where I've had to stand up for myself as of yet, but I'm getting better at overcoming my guilt over things that have passed(thanks to the inspiration of a special someone and you guys<3)
-Begin 2 mangas this year...and get far!(KH Fan manga, and my original story! Which I've only told some of you about =P): Not yet *sighs* I want them to be as best as possible, and as of now I don't think I'm quite ready to start either of them yet T__T
-Improve more in my art: more importantly, become a master of CGing and practice lots with my coloring!:I've been experimenting more with CGing techniques so I can find out which is the best one for me...hopefully I'll be able to achieve this!
-DRAW MORE ART =P I'll DEFINITELY do this one this year! Count on it! ^^ far, it's been MORE than last year...but seriously, I need to learn the art of drawing FASTER xD
-Keep studying hard: This will probably go on for the rest of my life xDD
-Find a bit more happiness with the people I'm friends with instead of focusing on myself so much sometimes: This one has DEFINITELY been achieved I think. I've recently found out that a few of my best friends really ARE transferring schools, and Chris has told me again and again to be prepared. I think I'm on the right track for this because every morning I wake up and say I'm grateful for every moment I'm alive and with my friends/family.
-Become more consistent!: Ohgod I don't think this one will ever be fixed...still a HUGE problem for me, but I'm getting better!
-ULTIMATE RESOLUTION: Be a better friend to you all! =P I feel like I haven't done enough for you guys, and you deserve more than just what I gave last year!
:I PROMISE SWEAR VOW that I will do this!! You guys deserve more from me and I haven't given it to you all yet! T__T But I promise you guys that I WILL be a better friend to you all and work harder! *nods*
My New Year's Wishes:
-To get the chance to maybe meet one of you this year!(I don't know how, but I hope I'll be able to some way):Not so much a resolution, but I'm hoping I'l be able to meet ONE of you this year. There's still many months left to go, however, so we'll have to wait and see!
-To get my parents to understand me and listen to me, finally.:Not yet. So far, things have been clean though, no arguments lately ^^
I was going to say something to you all, but I forgot what it was ^^;;; I'll let you know in the next post what it is then if I remember! ^^:
Take care everyone!! I love you all bunches!<3