Which means...new art! ^^
Hiya everyone!!~<3 Just leaving a short little post to let you know I've updated my portfolio FINALLY xD I'm glad to say that there are more piccys of canon characters coming up in the KH section, but sadly not many of Cloud LOL so I thought I'd add to his "popularity" xD
Today...hm..quite eventful-ish I guess~ I woke up early to play golf with one of my friends~ then I ate Mexican food with her family as well! Then we all went home and I played Super Smash Bros Brawl(which I LOVE LOVE LOVE<3!) pretty much all day until I returned home later!
Otherwise, nothing much xD I don't want to go back to school(and yet I do..to see a certain someone xD)
Take care everyone!<3
EDIT: My school starts on Monday again, so comments will be less frequent, gomen ne ^^: I've got quite a bit of work to do...but I should have up a piccy or two before school begins! Thought I'd let you guys know that instead of wasting an entirely new post on that lol