Part one

"Um I really have to find my sister and brother" I said as
he pulled me toward a group of people I assumed was his frend’s
"Hey guys I got a girl I want you to meat" he said happily
"hey its another one" a girl with red hair and black tips
and green eyes said happily "What do you mean?" he asked
confused "heh Olli brought this girl” a guy with a hair cut
like Demetri but he had red streaks through out his hair
pointed at a girl that looked strangle familiar and then I
suddenly remembered "Jiji is that you?" I said as soon as
I completely recognized her and when I said it her head
turned toward me and a huge smile came across her face
"Grizzly I cant believe that your here in San Diego? I
thought life in the big apple was the best?" she asked
although she already knew about why I moved "Hey you
didn't say you were from New York" Demetri said
looking at me kind of sad "hey come on don't do
that to her I mean she probably hasn't tolled you
because you didn't give her the time to" a guy with
kind of a bowl cut hair cut and green eyes that
was standing next to Jiji "hey do you have any money grizzly?"
a short girl with brown hair that went to her
shoulders and black eyes and was about 5'2"
only two inches shorter than me "Not this again
Lea. Don't ever lend her money she never gives
it back" a girl with brown hair that went down
to her mid back and brown eyes said to me
"Um.. I'll keep that in mind" I said uncomfortably
"Fanny don't scare her away that would suck" Demetri
tightened his arm around my waist I was
starting to wonder if he liked me too and I could
feel the blood rush to my face "haha she’s blushing"
the boy with the red streaks said laughing

I looked at him and pretended that I was
about to cry "H-hey um don't cry I didn't
mean to make you feel bad or anything
really" he said apologetically when jiji
started laughing uncontrollably
"Hey it's not funny!" the boy yelled back
"dude she’s not really crying I mean look
at here she’s laughing too “olive said to him
"huh... hey that’s messed up man Demetri you
picked up a mean one!" the boy yelled at Demetri
"hey it's your own fault you brought it a pone your
self Jeff .” Demetri said calmly Jeff so that’s his name
“Yah it’s your own dumb ass fault” A boy with gray
Eyes and brown hair said his hair was almost as long
as mine ha had the same eyeliner and face powder as I did
“matt shut up ya fage!” Jeff yelled “So what if I’m gay
if I wasn’t I would probably have more girls come after
me than you would ever have.” Matt was confident
“Wow you have pretty hair” I couldn’t stop my self
from saying that to him his hair was so silky and soft looking
and after I said it I regretted letting myself say that to him
he just smiled “thanks I try to take care of my hair” he said
“humph see I could easily get a girl to like me unlike you Jeff”
he was really confident now “Wow who said I liked you like
that I was merely commenting on your hair the
only other person that I know with that kind
of hair is my brother” I looked away from him with
my eyes closed “brother you say is he-” I cut him off
as soon as I caught on to what he was about to say
“I really don’t know if he’s straight or not you’ll
have to ask him that if you ever meet him.”
I looked straight in his eyes “heh this girl will fit in
perfectly with us to bad not all of us are here today
there’s still about five of us not here today you’ll
get to met them tomorrow for sure though
Riiingggggggg the bell rang for first
period I walked to my first class with
Demetri, Jiji, and Sam I was ready for
the absolute worst
part of the year
introducing my self to everybody ells