Part one

I was walking down the hall aware of almost all of the gang following me
“Hey new girl!” I turned to see who was calling me when I seen a hole
group of not to sound racist cholas from the look of thing they were
going to jump me when this became clear to the gang they stepped in
and all but two girls one had her short brown hair in two little pig tails
and had green eyes the other had long red hair and black eyes they
walked up to me when a girl pulled the one with black eyes away and
they started fighting leaving the green eyed girl for me I smiled
“Why do you feel obligated to start crap with me?” I asked her I
tried to make myself look scary “Because you don’t follow the
rules for newbes you already have a boy frend it’s so wrong”
the girl said to me truly disgusted with me “Sorry for finding
some one I like I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to love here”
I said being sarcastic “No you aren’t!” she yelled and then
she slapped me I was surprised when I looked back at her I
gave her the coldest eyes I could ever give some one then I
punched her smug little face and she went flying back and
hit the ground hard when I noticed all the people around us
most of them were cheering for me I looked back at my opponent
who was getting back up from the floor and wiped the blood
from her mouth and stammered to try to hit me I dogged it easily
and need her in the gut she coughed up blood and stammered
back a couple feet from me and I punched her face once more
and she fell to the floor again when she got up the teachers were
already separating us. I wanted to hit her once more but the
teachers kept blocking me
“Ok who started this hole thing?” the principal asked
“It was the girl that I was fighting with” the girl that grabbed
the black eyed girl said ‘they were planning on jumping her”
he pointed at me “it seems they don’t like new girls” she said
to the principal “Do you know why they wanted to do this?”
She asked me “No I don’t even know them” I tolled her
“Well you really messed the girl you were fighting up.”
The lady said sounding a bit annoyed “Man grizzly you kicked
her ass!” Sam said excitedly she also kicked ass “Hey ally
why did you jump in? you haven’t met grizzly yet have you?”
Sam asked the girl which was probably Ally “You guys all
of a sudden jumped in to help so I thought that she was a
new frend so I didn’t see why I wouldn’t do it” she said simply
“I wonder why she wanted to jump me…” I trailed off in wonder
“Well did she say anything that seemed weird?” Sam asked
“Yah she said I wasn’t following the rules for newbes and that
I already had a boyfriend and that it was wrong….” I trailed off
again we all were suspended for two days and of coerce
Demetri was overdramatic when he found out about the fight
he insisted on me going over to see him but I wasn’t aloud to
because I was grounded the two days went by so fast that I
couldn’t really remember any thing