Kiki speaking! This is my first world and all and I don't suppose I'd have a lot of time or inspiration when it comes to posting, but I'm trying it out.

I suppose this world will just be used to post stories and my thoughts on anything and everything - But I warn you, I'm absolutely, perfectly, bloody, freakin' mad, so you might want to take things with a grain of salt if there's something particularly 'out there'.

Proud member of Otaku Host Club
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Tagged? Oo

Well, I know it's late as HEXX... But voila, I finally got to answering my penguin buddy's tag!

1) What did you just say?
"I swear to the LORD my guts are trying to expel themselves by use of my throat."
... Yesh, I is THAT charming *Is sick-ish. Again*

2) What are you obsessed with currently?
Fireworks!! <3
And Alexander Rybak, still, kinda. Also learning how to colour well on the computer and use layers

3) Song I just heard
Once upon a December (From the Anastasia movie, for those of you who don't know)

4) Song I know by heart
Clocks by Coldplay
Beautiful Day by U2
Foolin' by Alexander Rybak
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon Five (DDDD< Overplayed to heck even though I love Maroon Five!)

5) Last person I saw?
That I know? My friend Kristen.
That I don't know? Random boy on bicycle from my block

6) Am I awesome enough to face you?
Nah, I'm not really the "awesome" type. I'm quite mad/crazy though~

7) What is the randomest thing you saw/did today
I saw an old man in a motorized wheelchair. He gave me some weird, meaningful look and I told him "Race ya"
We raced... And he won.
(No, I'm not that slow or outta shape D<
I kind of jogged beside him. It was fun though xD)

8) If I was an animal, what would I be, and what would people call me?
Oh, this is hard... At this moment RIGHT now, I'd like to be a Merlin (A small hawk native to the prairies up here in Canada. You're prolly wondering how they survive up in this cold, eh?) Ask me another day and I might want to be a feline of some sort, or a dolphin.
I have no idea what people would call me... A kiki-bird? Iduunuu

9) Do I wish to be something different, and if so, what?
Well, being an animal would be cool for a while, but beyond that, I think I'm happy as me, thanks.

10) Can I count to 10 in a different way?
I can count in another language, does that count?

11) Is this an 11th question?
... Is this an 11th answer?

And I tag
Mocha (Mocha chan)
Chero-dear (MewChero)
Chrysta (bleachic)
Jen-Jen (jenuchiha)
Ya dun have to do it if you don't want to, it took me forever xD

And my questions are... The same ones as I answered! 8D *Is a cheater, crawls into bed and snoozes* I'm sick, lemme alone.


This isn't much, and really it should be much, much more, but I just wanted to post something concerning the terrorist attacks on this day in 2001.

Almost everyone has heard that 10 years ago, 4 planes were hijacked by members of al-Qaeda and crashed into the World Trade Center's 2 towers, the pentagon and into a field in Pennsylvania when passengers took back control before it could reach its target in Washington, D.C.

10 years ago for some is a long time. For me, I was far too young to understand what was going on at the time. I remember things like "Plane crash" "Twin towers" and "Terrorist attacks" but it wasn't until years later that I was finally told the entire story of what happened.
10 years is also not long for others. My parents remember the day vividly, my grand-parents even more so. And for those who lost friends and family due to the attacks... I don't even want to know what the past ten years have been like.

I myself wasn't personally affected by these crashes, I was far too young to know anything of them, let alone understand them... But now I understand what happened and feel for my neighbour Americans and for their tragic losses. I pray that those who were affected by the crash have either found some way to move on, or that they will soon. So just, for all those who lost their lives in the attacks and for all those who lost loved ones... This is a little something in your memory.


Storycorps has created a few videos to remember some people lost in the attacks on the Trade Center's twin towers.

First Post!

Hah! I've actually got the time and inspiration to actually post something!
It's not a lot mind you, just wanted a little something to indicate that there is some life here.

Just like to let everyone know that I am basically computer-illiterate. I don't use the computer really beyond the internet and Microsoft programs for school. It might be a (long, long) while before there is any art or cards or wallpapers from me. I don't write well either: not creative enough to come up with a good story, nor do I have the conviction to carry through with one I start. I'd like to become a more active participant here, but please just give me a bit (a lot) of time!

Also, after school starts I'm sure I'll be neglecting this world even further... But it also might be a chance for something interesting to pop up in my life and encourage me to actually write something! Yay!
Actually, school starts in only one day... So nervous! I'm excited to see my friends again, but I'm also worried about my full schedule and all my classes... If only summer never ended. Of course it has to and life has to go on - Although it'd be nice if I could pull a Peter Pan for a bit and not have to grow up, ya know?

... And the inspiration dies. Well, it was fun while it lasted. I'm at least appeased by what I've written, so I'll be signing off for now (for a while, who knows?)


Oh, I'd also like to leave you with this:

I was just introduced to this song today and I really enjoyed it. (I love how smiley and enthusiastic this guy is, you just gotta love him! That and the song is pretty catchy too~)