Oh, Lookit! Life!

It's June. School is this close to being over. But I'm still so busy; school projects, personal projects, soccer... I still have a week of actual class to go before I even get to start worrying about my exams! And Midterms were bad enough!
I regret that I haven't really been around in the Fanroom as much as I'd like, and I have a tendency to just drop out of conversations because I usually have something on the side.
Sleep is scarce, but of course, that's pretty normal. I accumulate my eight hours throughout the whole day, so I'm alright.
I just want to have nothing to do and no one around to wake me up. It's hard to get any rest living with my siblings. If I could just sleep straight through and entire weekend, I don't think I'd be more content.

I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that the best thing I've done in the past few months was go running barefoot in a field in a downpour. And look at lilies. They were such a pretty yellow~

In any case, signing out now to try and sleep before Monday. Ugh, Mondays. Sorry you don't get enough love, but how can anyone like you when you force them to go back to doing things?

Exhaustion is fun~
