WLB SS Wish List

So, I had to make a list
It's a terrible list


Literally anything you want. I kid you not. You can make it silly, stupid, scary, sad, action, adventure. Whatever characters you wish, whatever setting, time-period. Write it about Kiki, or don’t. It doesn’t even have to be Christmas themed.
Maybe introduce me to something you like by writing in that genre, or about whatever fandom-y thing. I really, really don’t mind.
I only have one request: Not just romance. It can be in there, but I don’t want that as the only focus.


Whatever you want. Whoever you want. Sweet, cute, scary, sad.

Request: No gore, kay?

Wallies (Computer or iPod):

Preferably Takuma or Spain, I suppose.
I have no issues with anyone else at all however. It can be a minor character from an anime I’ve never heard of, or some pretty picture you found anywhere at all.

Request: Just… No religious overtones, undertones, tones. It makes me a little uncomfortable.

Overall: Nothing NSFK

And if you're really at a loss here are a few things[and again it doesn't have to be romance]:

Hetalia (Russia, Canada, France, Both Italies, Spain)
Vampire Knight (Takuma Ichijou)
Ib (Ib, Garry, Mary)
OHC related
Kiki as a non OHC (Timejumps, adventures, her family if you wanna attempt them)
Kingdom Hearts (Axel, Roxas)
