I hate thinking of titles

I have been neglecting TheOtaku and MyOtaku lately, not for personal reasons, I love everyone here, except for SG, hes a bastard. (YOU KNOW IM JUST KIDDING)

Its not like Ive been bogged down or anything, just not in too much of an internet mood lately. But what the hell would I know.

A fellow driver got fired for leaving a kid on the bus last week, now management is blowing everything way out of proportion. Now dont get me wrong, leaving a child on the bus, even for a second, is serious. But when we got 6 members of management now breathing down our necks and constantly reminding us to check our buses after each route, I tend to get a little pissed off and cynical to the whole thing. "What if it was your kid on the bus?" GUESS WHAT STUPID? I HAVE NO KIDS, YOURE ARGUMENT JUST LOST ALL OF ITS WEIGHT ON ME! Its like when certain people make try to sway you in the Pro Life/Choice argument, "IF you were pregnent..." Same thing, I cannot get pregnent, therefore its not something I think about too much, or care about seriously one way or the other.

There was another Schultzie insensitive, cynical, bitter, and downright offensive rant. If you dont like it, in the words of George Carlin:


You all know Im kidding with the whole FU part, but Ive been in that kind of mood lately. You know, just about ready to snap. Im getting really really tired of all the daily stupidity.

Take care everyone.
