Ive got a lot of catching up to do.

Being asked to sing in a band, very cool. Realizing that you are a couple years behind when it comes to things like rehearsal, not so cool.

The rest of the band members have most of the songs memorized, and are quite good at them. Me on the other hand, Its hard to remember when Im supposed to try and come in with vocals, timing, listening for the changes, Ive got a lot of work to do. And nobody has a digital recorder I can use to put the tracks in my iPod. Maybe Ill see how much they cost at Radioshack and buy one.

In case you were wondering, court was fine. I have another court date on 5/28. So I wont have to worry about that interfering with my Anime North trip.

Im getting my shinsengumi costume made tomorrow, so Im really looking forward to that. Ill post at least one pic when its all said and done.

Keep on Rockin'
