Wherever I may roam

Visiting with Ryu last Saturday was fun. We hung out and talked about music, and Durarara!!!! We watched episode 12, then talked about music some more, sharing stories of concerts we saw and such. Ryu, next time Rush makes a stop in Chicago or Milwaukee, Ill hook you up, bro. Good times, now Im even more anxious for ACEN in May.

So after Ryu left, my brother and I went down to Missouri to visit a friend of ours who moved down there a couple years ago. This is the same guy I went to visit last spring. We I did a lot of driving down there, and we did some fishing. I was still not 100% over whatever it is I had the last week of school before the break, so there were a couple of nights where I felt like absolute shit. Still had some fun down there though.

One particular day trip was eventful to say the least:

I spent most of that day stuck in the damn mud in the middle of a field next to a river. This is what happens when you listen to a buddy and second guess yourself and your capabilities. My poor little truck sank down to the bumpers, a total of about 4 or 5 hours stuck in that pit. There is a thing to be said for southern hospitality though, as there were few people who were awesome enough to help us get out. So after we finally got out, we tried another spot, and then went back to my buddy's house. Long day, and there is still mud on my truck.

Thats about it, Im tired and possibly still not 100%.

Later everyone.
