
Since returning from Canada, not much has been going on. Work, but then again, whats there to say about that?

Ive been writing, for the first time in my life. Nothing too special, I dont think its much worth sharing until we can put it to music and record it. Thats right, Ive been trying to write lyrics for my band. We still dont have a name. Suggestions would be good, something for a hard rock band.

Im going to see RUSH tomorrow night. Chaser, this one is for you pal, Im going for free. Remember when I said that my dad is friends with their head stage guy, yeah. Ill have a ticket waiting for me at the box office. Ill try to get some pics for you.

The end of the school year is tomorrow. The kids only go for an hour, so it will be a short day.

I have some hard decisions to make this week. One of the toughest is being whether or not I move from the place I love most in this world. A friend, whom I grew up with, has asked me to move in with her down in Florida. She is like a sister to me, and I would love to be able to spend time with her again, but Im not sure. I feel like Im being torn. I dont know if I can say goodbye to all the people I know, and the places I know. I love where I am from, its as much as part of me as anything. But on the other hand, I really, need a change. My dad is driving me nuts, he makes almost $30/hr and he still keeps asking to borrow money from me. NOT THE BEST TIME! I AM ABOUT TO BE UNEMPLOYED! And its not just recently, its been going on since, well, I got back from college. Those who know me best will tell you that my dad is one of the reasons I get panic attacks, and I feel like I am about to have one right now. He was just this second bitching about some stupid bullshit.

I was planning on writing more, but I need to go for a drive and settle down.
Take care everyone, Ill see you all tomorrow.
