One Little Victory

Got my Gateway Laptop "Kyrios" back yesterday. Now to go through a fuck-ton of updates to get this thing back to fighting shape.

Not only that, but the other things I mentioned that were missing, like my passport, Tactics Vol 5, among other things?! I GOT THEM BACK TOO!!!!!

Not that important in the grand scheme of things, but fuck, Ill take what I can get at this point.

Summer school is over, my bus' batteries died and I missed the run back to the park where I picked the kids up. Out of my control, but those kids were so nice. They watched me play Angry Birds on my new phone, they gave me hugs when they got on the bus in the morning. I never had kids that I got attached to like that before. I was kinda sad that I didnt get to take them back today. That being said, Im already over it. . .

Now its time to move on and take care of myself.
