(Gundam) "Eagles may soar, but weasles dont get sucked into Jet engines.

I began working on a new piece of artwork. Hopefully by this weekend, I will have it "inked" and colored as practice with photoshop. For those of you who are observant, you can tell what Im working on... Anyone?...Anyone?...

Tentatively called "Reaper Gundam" because Im drawing it with a beam scythe. Now, can anyone guess why? Im thinking SomeGuy will know, maybe Chaser. Those who know me well enough will know. Ill elaborate more if a correct guess is made in the comment section, or tomorrow when I post again.

And on a "completely unrelated" note (really subtle). Blue Oyster Cult will be playing in Milwaukee on the first day of ACEN. I still dont know if I will go to the con that day, and dip for the show, or if I will not go to the show, or other variations of said scenarios. (what? O_o) At least I still have two months to figure this crap out.

