10 years.

I remember where I was. It was the start of my senior year in high school, and I was sitting in first period watching the recruitment video for what would be the college I chose to go to.

I didnt know about the towers until after class was over and I was walking past the cafeteria and a bunch of kids and teachers were watching CNN. I paused for a moment, wondering what was going on, but I didnt stay, I had to get to Advisory(Homeroom). The daily announcements were made, they told of what was going on in New York. They didn't cancel school, so we all tried to go about our normal day. Talking, wondering, worrying and praying for those affected.

I remember not really feeling deeply affected, because I didn't really know anybody in New York. I knew a couple people that had families in the area, but that was it. I do however, remember that I could not turn off the news, I wanted to know why it happened. I wanted to learn about the people behind it. Its kind of where I started to pay attention more to what I watched, listened to, and read. I still do that, because it is a great way to learn.

Its still shocking, and still emotional, you notice it when you watch old TV shows and movies. There they are, the Twin Towers. And it takes a second to realize that they aren't there anymore.

I think about how all of the students I drive now, in the grade school K-5, most of them were not even alive then. And the ones that were born were infants at best. My middle school students 6-8, dont have much recall on the instant either. Its important to not let these memories die. And if tomorrow, they ask me about it. Ill tell them what I remember and know.

I know that today, even with the NFL back in action. My thoughts, at least for a little while, will look to the people of New York, Washington, and the brave souls that took the plane down in Pennsylvania field to prevent even more damage and loss of life.

I remember.
