Gundam rAGE! The assault continues!

It just may be that I am out of this shows main demographic, but for me, its not working. And I want nothing more than to be deeply obsessed with another new Gundam title.

Episode 2:

The attack on the colony continues. And betrayal is met with a mutiny within the White Base Diva. The plan is to evacuate the colony into the core, and then use the newly minted battle ship to tow the ejected core into space. Thats right, stealing a trope from Star Trek right off the bat, if all else fails, eject the core. . .

Now that the brain bleeding has subsided from all the bricks I just got hit with, I can continue. . .

The captain of the Diva, what a name, is about to save his own ass and leave the colony behind, because he wont take orders from the colonists. Then arrives some dude with a beard, and stuns the captain and his men, and takes control of the battleship.

Flit meets a girl, things happen, and he finally gets into space, where he runs into more of the cool looking Dragon Themed UE Mobile Suits. [Side bar here: If these Dragon Mobile Suites showed up in any other series, Id be chomping at the bit to get and build one, but Im not liking this show much] Gundam's weapons have no effect on the reinforcements. And now its time for the jumping the shark moment, yes my friends, in the second episode, it goes to hell in a hand basket.

The AGE system, what the hell? Im having a hard time trying to find a way express how much of an insult it is to the show. Basically, if the Gundam in inferior in any way, they collect data from skirmishes, and can magically and near instantly create new weapons(and Im guessing armor too) and blast them out to Gundam and Flit to win in the nick of time. The new weapon, The DOTS Rifle, quite literally spins the energy beam and that therefor makes the beam stronger. Now another quick lesson, rifling by definition, has grooves in the barrel of the weapon, and IT TWISTS THE PROJECTILE! This stabilizes the flight path, and makes it more accurate, not necessarily more deadly. Semantics aside, the ability to aim better MAY make the weapon more deadly and at greater range, but it doesnt necessarily increase the destructive force.

So Flit, with the power of Deus Ex AGE beats the mobile suit, and its onto the next episode. Continue the fight! Save the colony!

Fuck, now I have to watch Episode 3. . .
