Quick Rant.

A friend of mine posted a big picture of pot on his FB. He is currently unemployed. I tell him to be mindful of what he posts online, as employers look at social media as part of the hiring process now. He says "hes fine" or something similar. Okay, whatever. I said my peace and left it at that.

This is where the fun begins.

A girl I dont know, starts giving me shit about how its illegal to look at stuff like that and how it is also illegal to use that information to hire potential employees or not.

Here is where she is wrong. Social media, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace(I guess), Tumbler, you name it. Any and all information you put up on the Internet is pretty much available for public consumption. You are basically giving permission for anyone and everyone to view intimate details of your life. And hell yes it CAN AND WILL be used against individuals in the workplace. If you post online that you're going to get drunk and do drugs. People now have probable cause and justification to not only drug screen you, but terminate your employment. In my employee handbook, it talks about the inherent risks of social media. Be careful what you say, you dont know who is reading it! You dont think that the FBI, DEA, or other agencies aren't looking at this shit, right?! Of course not, its not like your gave up your right to privacy. (But you did, read the EULA sometimes)

She tells me to be careful on what I say online. Im not the best at keeping my life's details a secret. Ive volunteered more that enough information. Something I sometimes wish I did differently. But I cannot take it back, and Im not going to complain if it comes back to bite me in the ass.

Now this stuff might not be 100% correct. But what the hell do I know, I only have a degree in applied service management. I only wrote up my own employee handbook for school(One that would have to pass federal regulations while not plagiarizing others). Oh, and I pay attention to stuff like this! Its important stuff to try and learn. Im tempted to research this stuff and get concrete information on it now. Its kinda what I do nowadays. If I dont know. I try to figure it out. So I know what I am talking about.

Not so short of a rant, huh?
