Because I know this is a bit of a safe place to rant.

I got a friend request on facebook from a guy I used to hang out with in high school. Usually, that is pretty cool. I like connecting with old friends. But this one is different. He was always cool with me, in fact, he never did me wrong personally on any level.

But the reason why Im even typing this out is because I need to talk about this. It was hard enough keeping all of the stuff about my dad bottled up. Anyway, back to this kid. In my junior year, he was a new face in my Advisory(Homeroom, whatever its called in your school). We talked, got along okay, and eventually started hanging out a little bit. He hit it off with a girl in Advisory, and they eventually started dating. . .

Now, I didn't know her well. In fact, if asked to describe my relationship with her before this incident, I would merely have said she was an acquaintance that I went to school with. We never spoke much. Never even hung out outside of school. We were friendly enough, but never anything more than that. They had been dating for a little while, and while they were together I got to know her a little better, but nothing more than the fact that she was really nice, and pretty damn cool.

One day, I can't remember where we were talking, but it seemed to be just me and her. And out of the blue, she confided in me that he at attempted to force himself on her when they were at her house. From what I can recall, she said they had just gotten back from being out and made their way inside. They were in the house, kissing, and the next thing she knew his pants were off and he was trying to get hers off, too. She fought him off, he left. And that was the end of it. He tried to apologize, but she wouldn't hear it. And needless to say, they broke up.

I told myself then that if I saw him again outside of school, I would beat the living shit out of him. This girl, who I didn't even consider to be that close to me, chose me to confide in of something that serious in nature. When I asked her why, she replied "Because, John. You're a good friend, and I can trust you."

I ended up seeing him at the mall about a year later. And if there wasn't security guards and cameras around, I would have made through on my personal vow of vengeance(I tell myself that, but I've never even been in a serious fight in my life. Who knows, though).

And now he reaches out through social media. I haven't thought of his name in years, and just seeing it out of nowhere like that sent all these memories rushing back. Now this post has seemed nothing more than a story on my part. When I started putting my fingers to the keys, I wasn't sure where my mind would go. I put the warning up because of that. I don't think I got too graphic, but better safe than sorry. In any case, I needed an outlet to get these thoughts out of my head before I got to sleep so I didn't dream of savagely beating the living shit out that little fucker. Hopefully, someone beat me to beating his ass. 10 years is an awfully long time to hold on to strong feelings like this. But seeing his name and face on my computer earlier today set me off.

But now that it is out of my system, so to speak. I am off to sleep. Upon the morrow, I shall see you all again.