In a nutshell

So, a couple weeks ago I got sick. The returning throat thing I deal with from time to time came back, but this time was different. It happened on a Saturday, right in the middle of my shift, my voice just left me. I didn't work Sunday, had my usual three days off, then on Thursday I was still sick, went to a clinic and found out some things:

1. I had a pretty bad infection in my throat
2. I also had a nasal cavity infection
3. I also also had an ear infection

So yeah, I took some time off of work. I got put on antibiotics, a decongestant, and even had a steroid shot to knock out the infection. . .

Saturday, the 5th rolls around.(By the way, I was too damn sick to see The Avengers, that should say something!) And I'm feeling better, so I go back to work. But halfway through THAT shift, something gets aggravated, and my voice leaves again. But I finish my shift, and go in on Sunday. Now, my voice is getting even worse because I have to put so much strain on it to hear myself. So I tell the shift manager I need to go home, my throat hurts like hell and I cannot talk.

So I get back to the office to punch out and the General Manager is waiting for me. He tells me that they are having issues with me falling ill and missing so much time at work. I have accumulated enough "points" to warrant termination. Im sure we will have another conversation tomorrow when I go in. And I tell him this "I cannot help that I got sick. My health is more important than any job and if I got that ill again, I would take the time off again."

Of course this all looks bad because I happened to request that time at work off. I wanted to go back up north, get some things I left up there, and visit my friends and family. But even if I did have the time off, I doubt I would have gone back north, because I WAS SICK! I had to pay for 4 prescriptions after my office visit.

Oh yeah, after taking the half day off Sunday, I went back to the clinic on Monday, they gave me a steroid pack to help kick this infection out. So yeah, it was pretty serious. But I know how desperate they are for people to work, so they'll "give me another shot". I just know it. I don't know if I want to take that, if they cannot understand that I was ill and felt like I couldn't work, and I have the documents to prove that I was indeed sick. Let them fire me, I don't care.

I'll try to be back soon to let you guys know how its going.


So I went back to work yesterday, didn't even talk to the GM, he was out to lunch when my shift started. But I had another setback, so I went to the clinic for the 3rd time in the last 10 days. Called back into work again, and now the ball is in their court.

We'll see how this plays out.
