Things best left unsaid.

Im sitting in the Dickson library, taking the day off because I have court for a speeding ticket.

Things happening:

Looking for a place to stay to call my own. Be it an apartment, or a house to rent, at this point, I dont care. In fact, when Im done at the library, I'll be going to get some information about an apartment. They dont have breed restrictions on dogs, so thats pretty cool. Even though my little dog would be welcomed just about anywhere. The other main reason why I am looking with intensity is because my brother is being kicked out of our home up north soon. The house has been foreclosed, and they came to my brother yesterday and told him he has 10 days to leave.

So we're in panic mode, so to speak.

I know my last post I said I'd be back in force on TheOtaku, but lack of consistent internet has dampened that. But with the hopefully upcoming move, I can get good, consistent, high speed internet access. I don't care about TV, I can torrent, and external drives are cheap enough.

But I'll try my damnedest to re-introduce myself to TheOtaku community.

Take care, Everyone.

