
Every day seems longer and longer at the bus company. Maybe thats my mind telling me to either 1) Quit or 2) Lose some fucking weight so you will have more energy. Im thinking its a little bit of both. But nobody wants to hire someone who has a weight problem like I do, so looking for other work is kind of not an option right now. I need help dealing with my weight, I have tried on my own, and cannot keep to a plan/diet/routine. Its too hard for me to do on my own. Im sorry, I didnt mean to bring my depression to the site today. I hate being bi-polar.

Tomorrow I have to re-train because of the accident I had a couple weeks ago. Which I think is complete bullshit. Even after my accident, I am still probably one of the best drivers at that company. But I guess thats not saying much.

I need sleep, and lots of it. And I need to drink water instead of eating, that might help.

