One... Two... Five!!!

"And I shall blow thy enemy into tiny bits."

In my case, more like blow my bus into bits. Yes, I released the magic smoke and *POOF* school bus broken.

Im finally starting to feel better, after two weeks of feeling like the crack of death's ass. I lost my voice(again), had a bad head cold, coughing like a cancer patient, I even sneezed and coughed at the same time O_o!(Note: When that happened, immediately after, I felt like I had to shit and puke at the same time also. Odd indeed) I had bad headaches, work was absolutely a pain. I dont think I felt that bad on the road in a long time.

But like I said, feeling better, voice is starting to come back. I have minimal work tomorrow because only one of my schools is attending (High School) so after an obligation I need to fulfill with the safety office, I will be getting home before Noon(Crosses fingers).

Have a good weekend people.
