HeY! so if you've stumbled across this..
this is my little world of old work, writing, and also any sketches that didn't quite makt the portfolio cut. [of which there are in creasingly more... gotta do that]
anyways. stay a while. read some of my writing, laugh at the suckiness that was my art last year[when i started drawing.. i know right>< i haven't been at this all that long... 'bout a year and a half... since start of school last year?]
anyways. thought this needed a NEW LOOK so Chicken Scrathings is getting a MAKEOVER.

water dragon

i like the coloring... sort of... the magicy thingy suuuuuuuuuucks...

Heart in hand

yay pony tail.. i really like this picture... even tho i sucked back then... tha hands actually came out kinda good..


OH MY GOD!!! he had a PONYTAIL!!! get over it people... i chopped it off after a little while. he looks better without it in my opinion

Ice fairy

i like the coloring.... but thats about it. this is kinda the first thingy that i drew....ever... i had before but they were only doodles...


just a pen doodle.... i had no pencil... its a girl...