HeY! so if you've stumbled across this..
this is my little world of old work, writing, and also any sketches that didn't quite makt the portfolio cut. [of which there are in creasingly more... gotta do that]
anyways. stay a while. read some of my writing, laugh at the suckiness that was my art last year[when i started drawing.. i know right>< i haven't been at this all that long... 'bout a year and a half... since start of school last year?]
anyways. thought this needed a NEW LOOK so Chicken Scrathings is getting a MAKEOVER.


rowan looking sketchy.
*note all the posts here [until i let you know otherwise] are old drawings of mine.

Fiddling with dieing copics.

something i did with luminous ice ninja's copics a while ago... it's rowan. and if you can't see the patch on his jacket reads "life sucks" hah...

first pic of rowan

so this was the first time i drew rowan. he had a ponytail!!

drawn in november of 2007

Manly man

drew this to prove that i can draw menn that aren't girly.
aren't so girly...


drew this while very tired/ stressed... never gonna finish.