HeY! so if you've stumbled across this..
this is my little world of old work, writing, and also any sketches that didn't quite makt the portfolio cut. [of which there are in creasingly more... gotta do that]
anyways. stay a while. read some of my writing, laugh at the suckiness that was my art last year[when i started drawing.. i know right>< i haven't been at this all that long... 'bout a year and a half... since start of school last year?]
anyways. thought this needed a NEW LOOK so Chicken Scrathings is getting a MAKEOVER.
- Created By Aethelwynne
just a random elf dude/lady/ androgynous being.
ritsuka in skirt with anger
so i doodled this in what else but sharpie. and ritsuka is saying "i'm gonna punch him[soubi]... making me wear a skirt..."
so i drew the devil to go with god. i know he doesn't look very evil or anything. thats because you don't have to be pure bad to get into hell. infact most of your average people get sent there and life there is pretty much like here. only more fun ;D and you have to be pure good to get into heaven. and alot of the angels are really old. theres not many good people anymore. and lucifer is actually one of the people that god can lean on. and the reason lucifer got banished is because he wouldn't screw god. he saw that god was only capable of a physical "love" and that god was using the angels because he's god and they inherently love him.
its a random chibi... and a ladybug. i drew this when i was with my little cousins and wanted to draw some yaoi....
Crooked kid
i drew this in pen late at night by flashlight in a tent laying down. so she's a little lopsided. sue me. and just some random eyes.