Ah, sweet FLCL

Well, Just remeber Kids: going emo is bad, ninjas are good, pirates are better, and Ninjapirates kick total ass, watch FLCL as many times as possible, and girls total knock holes in your life.

I went back and watched all the FLCL episodes again over the weekend, that series never gets old. I noticed some stuff that I never had before. Like Mamimi calls that robot-dog-thing the kid's brother's name. (Shit, for all the times I've watched FLCL, you'd think that I would have remembered his name for Pete's sake.)

It's amazing that I acctually got to finish it in time for school this morning. Jesus, having a girlfriend punches huge holes in your schedual that you used to fill in with anime, and reading books, and jacking off, and some other stuff like a job and stuff. (Puches holes in your paycheck too.)

The moral of my message is:
-Anime = Happiness.
-Fuck Girls.
-Sex = Happiness & Abbortion.

