Alright, I'm going to turn you all onto an idea I had on my Mistress Distress site. I'm starting a critique and review world where I'm going to be reviewing, animes, movies, music, and mangas. If this gets popular, I might do a video log, but if this doesn't take off, I'm just going to shut up and keep my opinions to myself. This is going to mostly be a request world, you can give me your suggestions on Puppet, or on Distress. Whichever. I'm posting this on Puppet for the fact that Distress isn't all that popular yet, and I think it would be more beneficial if I posted on here. (If any of you read my junk that is =w=) So, I'm going to give you a little bit of a format of how this is going to work.

I'm going to try and get at least three reviews in a week.

Songs: Expect them to be done the day I start them.

Movies: These will take about... 5 days to get done, on average. For if I've never seen the movie I'm going to have to watch it. And those extra days to rewatch it, and watch is again, and then the last two days to review it. And please, I am under 17 so please don't request a rated R movie. If you do, you're going to have to wait awhile for me to get a bootleg of it from my secret source. There are a select few rated R movies I can review, but I'll be listing those at the end.

Anime: I have a couple of rules and regulations for Anime. One: The anime has to be over or just starting. Two: Don't expect those to be done for a long while. Since I haven't reviewed one outside of my own mind, I'm not quite sure on a definite time span for them. Three: If the anime is just starting up, I'll review it, episode by episode, and give you the end result.

Manga: If you want me to review a manga, then you're going to have to wait awhile for me to, find it, and for me to read it all the way through.

OKAY. The Song reviews are probably only going to be a paragraph or two. One paragraph to analyze the music, and the other for the lyrics. The Movie reviews... heh... WELL... those are probably going to be a couple of pages. So at the end of each movie review, I'm going to give you a paragraph summary of all of it so you can just get the gist. Animes are probably going to be shorter, for I'm only going to review the storyline, the characters, and the moments that stood out for me. And Mangas... are probably going to be the same and possibly a big longer than Anime reviews.

If you have any requests, please leave them in the comment box below, and I'll put them in my Distress account world. I'm currently in progress of reviewing the Prince of Egypt. SO, I hope you guys give me lots to do. I can't wait to get cracking ^^

I'm not reviewing Naruto or Bleach. And probably not DBZ. So don't ask.


As you all may (or should) know, I'm an Admin of the Naruto RP, and we're in desperate need of some new RPers... we'd like the proper genders to fit the roles but, we're not that picky :) We're currently searching for:





Rock Lee


If you'd like to be any of these people, please message me, NineTailed Host, or Ninja Tools. *Bows and smiles, and leaves*

Blog Entry #96

Time for a quick little update. I'm thinking about joining the Hostess Club... might be fun... ;] And also, my family has been here for the past few days, and they annoy me... they saw me on the computer, and told me to clean up around my computer stand or they. Were going. To pull. THE. PLUG. I WOULD'VE COMMITTED MASS HOMICIDE IF THEY HAD! MERRRRRR! Since this is not on Distress, I'm not going to make this painfully long. Bye bye~

Blog Entry #95

I'm going to make this short and sweet~

I've only watched the first two episodes of Durarara!! but I know that one, things must suck for Celty, and two, Izaya is a douche, AND I LOVE HIM! XD That was the most epic thing ever! I'm so looking forward to this series. ADIEU!

Blog Entry #94

Me and my sister at Photofun, and it was, A LOT OF FUN! :D Also, we figured out, that out of two options, getting a movie ticket or taking four pictures, getting the movie ticket takes longer. AND, Don't give an army guy, a red bull, four monsters, a blue icee, and a Mtn Dew before a movie. He will have pee breaks every half hour. There will be more pictures later! :D BYE!