Blog Entry #93

I've had a pretty eventful week so far :) And I'm loving it... it's so awesome! School got out Monday, and I went on a date with my awesome sex doll Sasuke *shot*. Then, yesterday I had these stupid State Tests called "Regents Exams" which are apparently, ONLY DONE IN NEW YORK! WHAT THE FUCK?! I hate my school, I really do. But then after I almost clawed my eyes out from the pure agony that is the Global Regents (I aced it :P), I went over to my sisters house :D We watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame together, we both love that movie :) And then we went over to her new house... which is so pretty!

We started out by eating twizzlers on her bed and petting her dog Mickey, when we decided to jump out the window :D. We then proceeded... TO HAVE EPIC NINJA FIGHT SCENES! We taped it too... it's pretty much us "sword" fighting with wood sticks. Which was actually pretty awesome! xD I died though... so sad... there's a part where I just decided to run off screen... because my "sword" broke D: I WAS DISARMED! Douche... so then we had a hostage tape where I did yes... die again xD I always end up getting myself killed... I thought the blonds were the ones that always went first D: *shot*

And then today after we got back to my house, we decided to play Wii upside down xD It was so awesome, we bowled, played tennis, and did a little bit of golf... we got so busy xD We were lying down on my rug, with pillows under our heads, trying to figure out how to make it work like that xD I managed to bowl a strike in bowling... UPSIDE DOWN. GO ME xD I'm so totally awesome *shot* But today was terrible after that... I hate Boruchibitch. (Made up nickname by my father) SHE IS SO TOTALLY TERRIBLE! We were in the Bio Regents today, and we're supposed to be able to get out at two, even my Bio teacher Mr. Bon Bon (not real name, for safety purposes) said we got out at two. Well noooooooooooo, the little toad decided to let us out at 2:15! GAH! I wrote an entire song on my arm during that time. And even after that, she yelled at us for raising our hands! So in a completely random order, the tests were collected. *Groans* And we weren't allowed to wait in the school, so we were stuck out in the blazing sun... *groans more* And I have to do it... All. Over. AGAIN. Tomorrow for Geometry, the only one I'm worried about. I'm good at Algebra, but not Geometry... Give me a bunch of random shit numbers, I'll make order out of it. :) But... not Geometry... EW.

(This is the last thing I swear) And on top of all of this, my little bud, he's in like 8th grade, and he was expelled. Why? Because his dumb ass friend Tristin thought it would be fun, to plaster a kid to a window with duct tape. He wasn't even in the same room! He just heard the muffled noises coming from the room down a couple of doors, and a teacher (which I hate very much) saw him in the room, and blamed him. Just because he's in a stunt group and does annoy some kids for fun, doesn't mean he'd be that idiotic. So, we was expelled for two years, his friend Tristin (who actually did it) was expelled from the school entirely, and their friend Nate (who is the younger brother of a really great friend of mine) was suspended for two months for knowing about it. I hate that woman. I really do. She hated me as well, and my sister, and all of my friends. *Groans more* Stupid Comp. Hate her.

Alright, that's it for today xD



I have a little something I want to share with you all! There is a Hostess Club, as you all know, but they're having trouble getting out there, if you want to partake, then please message the current "boss" if you will, my friend Amber.


Or you can just message me, and I'll direct you to her :) Have a nice day!

Blog Entry #92

Hey everyone! I want to change the theme to my blog, but I want to know which Anime I should do, which colour scheme I should use, and on top of that, the COLOUR IN GENERAL. Or if I should just go Vintage, message me! I need help!

But other than that... well... I have a second cousin! She was born on Wednesday, and she's so cute, looks just like my cousin ^_^, her name is Rylee, and she again... is uber adorable! >~< I can't wait to meet her. And! On top of everything else! *Giggles* Yeah, get this! My brother moved away and everything to escape the law right... you're going to find this really hilarious...

He got arrested, again! This time... *giggles* Not for what he did up here... no no no... much more elaborate than that, he doesn't do the same trick twice you know? He beat his fiancee. My soon to be sister-in-law? And... pffft... he's popping pills! A-GAIN! *scoffs* My brother is so smart! I want to be like him someday! ^_^ And if you don't get exactly what I'm saying right here, you deserve to be alone for the rest of your life.

I'll talk to you guys later! IM me, you know the SN! ^_^

Blog Entry #91

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers! ^~^ We children love you! Even though we act like spoiled brats!

Blog Entry #90

Happy Cinco de Mayo!