Blog Entry #62

You know what really scares me? Like... more than anything else in the whole entire world? *Sniffles* It's............... Zombies... ZOMBIES! OH MY GOD. THEY SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME! I've been having a reoccurring dream for the past few years, which involved, Zombies, me, and that sweet old lady down the street chasing me to eat my brains! I HATE ZOMBIES! *Cowers in fear* >///< No zombies... they're evil! *Runs away screaming* I LIKE MY BRAINS!


Blog Entry #61

And the epic fails CONTINUE! (It is national Alex Fail Week... the 3rd week in February... must remember this...) But today's was just DUMB! Like... I just spoke too fast... and here's how it went...

I was in Bio, and we were having a class discussion about birth defects caused by having one too many chromosomes, and he explained to us that there is a disorder where women are born with three X chromosome instead of just two, and that guys and blah blah blah... now onto the fail! I was talking to my friend Thane (Odd name, I know) and I said to him, "Silly boy! Girls don't have any X chromosomes!" EPIC FAIL! OH MY GOD! I'M NOT EVEN JOKING! HOW COULD I HAVE SAID THAT DAMMIT?! I'M TOO DUMB TO SURVIVE! I'M GOING TO BE IN AN AIRPLANE... ACCIDENTALLY PUNCH THE PILOT... AND BE STRANDED ON AN ISLAND WITH A BUNCH OF PHESANTS! I HATE PHESANTS! GODDAMMIT I SUCK! Only on Fridays... xD KIDDING! Sort of... xDDDDD

OKAY WELL...! GOODBYE! Hope you enjoyed my epic fail stories! ^^


Blog Entry #60

This week... IS ALEX FAIL WEEK! >.< OH MY GOD... TODAY WAS TERRIBLE! It all started 2nd Period Health... when I got up to leave, the strap of my backpack got snagged underneath my chair, (I have a paper boy bag) and I FELL. I FELL DAMMIT! My sister just LAUGHED and LAUGHED and LAUGHED! GRRRR! I wanted to punch something! But that wasn't the worst part...

I was walking home today and I realized that I forgot my key! "Fuck" Was the first thing I said when I walked up to the door, keyless... so I checked for the spare key! NO SPARE KEY! I opened up the chest and it wasn't in the basket! I was freaking out... so I sat on my porch waiting for my dad to get home! It was about one hour... before I decided to do something nice and get the mail... and when I came back... I checked for the key again! It still wasn't there... but then I noticed a bag next to the spot where it's kept, and it was sunken a bit... "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I screamed when I moved the bag... and to my EPIC FAILURE... IT WAS RIGHT THERE! I GOT SO EFFIN' PISSED IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!!! So I stormed in... cursed a LOT... and then I sat down and ate comfort food >~<

And currently I'm locked up in Stark's room xD since he doesn't trust my newest host *Laughs* See you guys!


Blog Entry #59

I'm starting to have more fun now guys! ^^ My most recent host is very VERY interesting, and is stirring up some trouble with my other hosts ^^ Isn't he just darling?

AND OH MY GOD. I AM SO MAD!!! I finally remembered to ask my step-daddy if I could go and see Avatar, and we went and everything... AND THE SHOWING WAS CANCELED! GRRRRRRRRRR! And... on the way home... I spilled popcorn all over the car seat! >~< GRRRRRRR! I AM SO DAMN ANGRY NOW! But at least I got my Reese's pieces... BUT THAT'S NOT THE WORST! I was sitting here, minding my own business, probably should've been finding a boyfriend (not really, they SUCK), and something rubbed against my leg! So I'm like, "Hey Tiger!" Except Tiger wasn't there! (And speak of the devil... he does this, AGAIN) So, I look around my chair... no Tiger! So then I look under my desk... get the shit scared out of me... and I fell OUT of my swivel chair! >~< DAMN YOU CAT! I fail... I epically fail... *Headdesks*

I'm hopefully going to go and see Avatar SOMETIME in the near future... and my brother, who is gone now, cannot supply me with bootlegs! GRRRR! JERK OFF! xDD (Kidding Anthony I love you) But seriously... Tuesday's are just NOT my days! Though I did draw a really good picture... wait... that was last night... DAMMIT! TUESDAY'S=ALEX FAIL DAYS! >~< GOODBYE!!!!


Blog Entry #58

My mental stability has much improved from yesterday, I only cried once today, which is good. And, I'm completely sucked into the ProBoards, that place is fun! ^^ You guys should join me! I'm XPuppetXMistressX, of course! ^^ Wouldn't have it any other way! ^^ It's really a ton of fun so you should TOTALLY think about making an account there! And Chatzy is fun too! ^^ Chatzy OHC you sort of need that link, because Chatzy just isn't for OHC! ^^ I'll talk to you guys later... cause I love you so damn much! LOL

*Sighs dreamily* Gotta love Yaoi! *Shot*

Heartbroken Little Sister