- Created By Puppet Mistress
Blog Entry #43
You know what puts me in a really great mood when I'm down? Dane Cook! ^^ Thank you Kitten baby for showing me this! ^^ I wanna do a B&E right now!
Isn't that a pretty sick picture?
OH! AND THAT REMINDS ME! NOT ONLY DO I HAVE A F***ED UP SPINE... TODAY I GOT THE STOMACH BUG! SOME MY BODY WAS LITERALLY LIKE "FUCK YOU ALEX! FUCK YOU!" I fucking hate this... whoops! Censor xD Eh, I DON'T CARE! >.< Dammit give me my narcotics already >.<
Sick and Broken
Naruto=My best friend right now!
Okay, my really good friend Naruto Uzamaki, made a contest for me... a get well card sort of thing! ^^ Here's the link:
The contest is open to everyone, ^///^, Members, Fans, Otakus, Friends, Hosts, if my hosts will be nice enough ^///^ and anyone else!
Naruto... YOU ARE AWESOME! Though I am slightly embarrassed... good luck all who enters ^///^ You guys are so nice! *Hugs all entries*
Blog Entry #42
As some of you may know, yesterday I took a pretty nice tumble down my stairs. And now, I have figured out that I have broken some bones. >.< The tumble took a pretty large blow to my lower back and tail bone, the tail bone was almost shattered and my lower back is slightly out of line, it hurts, a lot. I can barely sit, or stand, or anything without hurting myself. It sucks. It really does...
Lucky to be alive
Blog Entry #41
Falling down stairs is a very painful action... I do not suggest it... it leaves you hurting and not able to move very much >.<
Bruised Bones
Blog Entry #40
WOW. I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN. I honest to god cannot type now because of last night, I have to always correct these damn typos... you don't see them because I already corrected them, but still... I'm watching myself type, I'm fully awake... AND I CAN'T READ IT! And my fingers are saying... who put that button there? NO! I want you! DAMN! STOP TYPING STUFF THAT MY MIND ISN'T SAYING! *Gives up* Goddammit... this is so screwy... though it's getting a bit better, just a few accidents here and there... >.<
Drunk Typing