Goodbye Honey's <3

Well, it's time for the Mistress to bid you adieu until tomorrow night </3 I have to do some colorguard thing, and me and my special little tumor (infected sweat gland) are out of here! Since my ride's here NOW.


I've hit a bit of a slump... the guy I was pretty sure I liked just told me yesterday that he had a girlfriend and I wasn't exactly sad, I love the boy and I was really happy for him, but my real issue is with this one guy who's my friend and just my friend.

He's been sort of a jerk lately, I used to like him and everything and I we used to be really great friends, but all of a sudden he's just sort of ditched me for this new crowd... call it the popular crowd if you will... and I feel betrayed. I was nothing but nice to him and the occasional sarcastic but he just won't talk to me the same anymore... it's just... awkward... I can't really explain it, it's just painful... oh well, he doesn't even seem to care if I exist anyway. Why don't I do just that?

I blame Laura, she got me hooked.

The 5's Meme

5 Nicknames (Only one is slightly funny):

* Alex
* Sexy
* Puppet
* Mistress
* Muppet Princess [XD Thank you Dragon warrior, it stuck]

5 Best Friends:

* Katie
* Felix
* Deena
* Lyndy
* Chee

5 Enemies:

* Sanity
* Ze Bitch
* My Stairs
* Arthur from Warcraft III
* My computer

5 Generic Things About You:

* I'm hard to please and easy to hate
* I can lie and get away with it
* I will never be a drunk (my stomach can't take any form of toxins)
* Don't get between me and The Mentalist or House
* I watch movies at least 3 times, one to get the gist, another to see if I like it, and a third to make a critical analysis of it

5 Features About Your Face:

* My eyes are either Dark Brown or Gold
* I have "luscious" Italian lips
* My left cheek bone is covered in a thick calcium deposit that makes it bigger than the other from when I got a black eye/cheek
* I have nice bushy eyebrows that aren't plucked except for the inner corners
* It looks like I'm always wearing eye-liner

5 Physical Features you like about yourself:

* My curves, I'm not a skeleton
* My rump
* The little point I have to my ears
* I'm not too short, not too tall
* Tough, resistant feet

5 Physical Features You Hate About Yourself:

* Purple hands due to poor circulation and lack of eating
* Crooked nose. I got hit a lot
* My knees, permanent scarring on each.
* I'm Italian, and therefore very hairy
* My mental disorders

5 Random Facts About You:

* I know every line of the Numa-Numa song and proud of it
* I'm a non-radical Anarchist
* I've been electrocuted, but not by anything that would kill me
* I've gotten along with all of my high school science teachers
* I tend to mess with people

5 Things About Your Personality:

* I don't forgive
* Niceness is a gift, not a right
* (Realizing I put the same exact thing that was here on Saku's as my number one, I laughed) I'm pretty humble
* I'm a simple person, I get pleasure out of simple things (side-walk chalk, staple guns, etc. etc.)
* I tend to be very sarcastic, no matter what

5 Colors You Like:

* Purple
* Electric Blue
* Orange
* Gray
* Onyx

5 Foods You Like:

* Corn on the cob
* Frozen raspberries
* Parfait
* Manzanilla Olives
* Grits

5 Bands You Like:

* O-Zone
* Linkin Park
* Say Anything
* The Decemberists
* Good Charlotte (90's)

5 Scents You Like:

* Rose
* Cherry Blossom
* Guitars
* Old Books
* Spring

5 Movies You Like:

* The Illusionist
* Ryan and Sean's Epic Adventure
* Treasure Planet
* Prince of Egypt
* El Dorado

5 Celebrities You Like:

* Hugh Laurie
* Simon Baker
* Jesse Spencer
* Edward Norton
* Ellen Page

5 Things About Your Best Friend:

* Falls down a lot
* Manages to make me choke on whatever I'm eating with her jokes
* Shares everything with me
* Sings like an angel
* Can't handle stress well =/

5 Things About Your Crush:

* Doesn't exist
* Never will
* So why
* Write
* About it?

5 Hobbies:

* Dancing
* Walling
* Listening to odd Romanian songs
* Pointing and laughing
* Snarking in Chat

5 Talents:

* Drawing
* Dreaming
* Playing the Piano
* Walling (According to my friends, I'm great at it :x)
* Blowing your mind <3

To those who want to do this, go right ahead.

One of those odd Romanian songs


Date: 2-20-2011
Time: 10:12 AM
Status: I repeat, aggravated
Listening to: Crazy Loop (MM-MA-MA)

-Sigh- Okay, to start out my nephew is over and he's causing a huge mess downstairs that I'm going to have to clean up after I get back from practice [don't ask what I do, because you don't know what it is] which is only going to put me into a worse mood. Last night my brother came over for dinner and everything was great... until my, sort-of, sister-in-law started texting him and such which made him extremely angry for some reason. Turns out for the past few weeks she's been contacting the state troopers and talking to them about my brother and how they don't want to arrest him anymore they just want to release him. This is after she destroyed my brothers 45" flat screen and after my brother broke ALL of the dishes in their house. I just wish they would go their separate ways already. The only thing keeping them together IS my nephew who isn't really my nephew. He's the child of my sister-in-law's ex husband, which is evident considering the fact that my nephew's "half" sister looks exactly like him. My father is in denial about it as well. I sort of feel betrayed by her, because she went with my brother to Texas so he wouldn't get arrested and here she is going behind his back about it. They aggravate me!

I think that's it for now. =/


My new AIM is Private Message me if you want it! >]