Zodiac List

I'm assume most of you have heard of the new Zodiac List... Insanity based on Idiocy. Now, they're actually basing it on the path of stars through the sun! Who knew! So, if you were curious about your new sign, please look below :D Capricor...

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Not as cool as the last post.

Today, I woke up to see that one of my really good friends on theO is having some privacy issues because of his personality and his fun-loving nature since people are relaying information back to a girl he's not dating, and the people relaying the information aren't his girlfriend either! Yes, we tease each other and are very close, doesn't mean anything's going on. But I don't understand why people feel the need to flippin' invade his personal life... I honestly can't think of a reason why people would be so ignorant but whatever. They should just know that they need to butt. Out. In the past, someone decided to go and tell the girl mentioned earlier, and we got into a fight. I was a good friend with her, so I was kind of pissed that someone felt the goddamn need to fill her in with every flippin' detail!

I'd understand if the person was a close friend of hers and was just looking out for her, but this has just gotten out of hand. Now my friend is taking a break from the chat and I'm probably not going to visit either because he's the only one I really talk to anymore on there! -_____- Even when I seperate myself from the dramatic life of Role-Play, some people decide to suck us back in because they want to "help". Help by leaving us alone.

This has been a rant by the Puppet Cheshire/Mistress.

External Image


This personality profile is based on the writing of Alex [No Way] created at the website: Handwriting Wizard.com - Handwriting University's Official automated personality report creator based o...

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Newest Avatar Credit

My newest avatar was editted by this person on dA

Old Tag

Name: Alex
Birthdate: 2/12/94
Birthplace: ---
Current Location: ---
Eye Color: Brown/Gold
Hair Color: Brown-Golden-Auburn
Righty or Lefty: Left
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Innie or Outtie: No existent :x
Male or Female: Female.
The shoes you wore today: Converse
Your eyes: Itch a lot
Your fears: Are ridiculous
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: You're a moron
Your thoughts first waking up: I have to pee
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Where their eyes go
Your best physical feature: Depends on who you ask
Your bedtime: 10:30
Your most missed memory: I can't remember
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: Ew
McDonald's or Burger King: Ew
Single or group dates: I don't date
Adidas or Nike: Ew
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: Ew
Cuss: Not so much
Take a shower everyday: Yes
Have a crush: No
Do you think you've been in love?: Yes
Want to go to college: Yes
Like high school: Right now, yes
Want to get married: No
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Close to them
Believe in yourself: Depends
Get motion sickness: No
Think you're attractive: Yes [I know I cound cocky, but I don't care]
Think you're a health freak: Hell no
Get along with your parents: Somewhat
Like thunderstorms: When I'm inside, no. Outside, yes.
Play an instrument: Yes
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: I don't think I have
Eaten sushi: Yes
Been on stage: Yes
Been dumped: No
Gone skating: No
Made homemade cookies: No
Been in love: I guess?
Dyed your hair: No
Stolen anything: Yes
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: Yes
Missed school because it was raining?: No
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: After I knew they liked me
Cried during a Movie?: Yes
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Actually... I don't think so
Had an imaginary friend: Yes
Cut your own hair: No
Had crush on a teacher: No
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Yeah
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
Been called a tease: Yes
Gotten beaten up: Yes
Been in a fight: No
Shoplifted: Yes
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: Heh.
Numbers and Names of Children: One child, Girl-Claire/Ginger Boy-Pyrce
How do you want to die?: Without regret
What do you want to be when you grow up?: I fairy princess -__-
What country would you most like to visit?: New Zealand
-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: Blue
Best hair color: Black
Short or long hair: Longish
Best height: Taller than me
Best weight: Er, don't really care
Best first date location: Haven't really been on a date
Best first kiss location: I'll tell you when I've had it
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people you could trust with your life: With my life? Two.
Number of CDs that I own: A few dozen
Number of piercings: Two
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Five or more
Number of scars on my body: A dozen or so
Number of things in my past that I regret: 0
Shampoo: Herbal Essence.
Fav Color(s): Silver, Electric Blue, Purple
Day/Night: Night
Summer/Winter: Ew
Fave Cartoon Character: Zuko from Airbender
Fave Food: Kettle Corn/Cherry Licorice
Fave Movies: Inception, The Illusionist
Fave sport: Tennis
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: Black leggings w/ one of my classic smiling shirts
Drinking: Coffee
Thinking about: Nothing
Listening to: Ghost Town - Shiny Toy Guns
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: No
Worn jeans: Yes
Met someone new online: No
Done laundry: No
Drove a car: No
Talked on the phone: No
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: Yes
Your friends: No
Santa Claus: I believe in St. Nicholas. I'm pretty sure he was a real person at some point in history
Tooth Fairy: No
Destiny/Fate: No
Angels: No
Ghosts: No
UFO's: Yes. There are many unidentified flying objects in the sky, their just identified when you realize that it's a plane.

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yes
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Yes
Do you like anyone?: Not really
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: None
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Katie
Are you close to any family member?: Yes
Who do you hang around the most?: Deena, Felix, Loup, Katie
What's the best feeling in the world?: I'll tell you when I've felt all the feelings in the world.
Worst Feeling?: Betrayal
What time is it now?: 11:51 AM