Grrrrrrrr. People annoy me.
I'm doing my best to draw you GRIMMJOW. Ya jerk. Just need a reference for your hair.
Ugggghh, and it looks like my art career's going to end before it starts. My mother is making me drop Ceramics (Clay Sculpture making) if I don't pass next marking period. And she isn't going to let me take anouther Art Elective throughout High School. Don't you think that's a little unfair? Art is my passion alright? It's what I want to do with my life and I HATE being held down! I hate the feeling of not following your dreams!
I'm betting you that I'm not going to become an artist now... and end up like my mother, an accountant... so interesting right?! This is really pissing me off... ugggghh I hate my mother so much.