Blog Entry #20

I'm getting my hair cut today! :D I'm so happy!

My hair is so long and gets in the way of EVERYTHING. So I'm chopping off about 4 inches or so, and trimming my bangs... and to let everyone know, the pictures I've put up of myself are all from last year, and that's not how my hair looks now! O.O LOL.

So I'm stuck at my mom's work all day today... And I still had to wake up early for this! I woke up at seven... SEVEN. I'm still pretty much asleep... which sucks... A LOT. And I'm feeling nauseous... stupid A.D.D. meds making me sick to my stomach...

Yeah people, I have A.D.D., you couldn't tell? Then you're dumb... LMAO JK! I'm typically on my meds like all the time, but I recently switched back to the one I had last year, which makes me puke, makes me not eat, makes me depressed but works much better than the one I was using before... THIS SUCKS. I don't want to puke! DX

And I just bought the most awesome pair of pants EVER. They're the Abbey Dawn line... (ew) but they're totally awesome, and totally me!

Will be taking modern pictures of me, when I get my camera tomorrow for Christmas!

HAPPY CHANUKKAH EVERYONE! (Pronounce it like Cha-NOO-Ka =^-^=)

Lives to dance.
