Blog Entry #59

I'm starting to have more fun now guys! ^^ My most recent host is very VERY interesting, and is stirring up some trouble with my other hosts ^^ Isn't he just darling?

AND OH MY GOD. I AM SO MAD!!! I finally remembered to ask my step-daddy if I could go and see Avatar, and we went and everything... AND THE SHOWING WAS CANCELED! GRRRRRRRRRR! And... on the way home... I spilled popcorn all over the car seat! >~< GRRRRRRR! I AM SO DAMN ANGRY NOW! But at least I got my Reese's pieces... BUT THAT'S NOT THE WORST! I was sitting here, minding my own business, probably should've been finding a boyfriend (not really, they SUCK), and something rubbed against my leg! So I'm like, "Hey Tiger!" Except Tiger wasn't there! (And speak of the devil... he does this, AGAIN) So, I look around my chair... no Tiger! So then I look under my desk... get the shit scared out of me... and I fell OUT of my swivel chair! >~< DAMN YOU CAT! I fail... I epically fail... *Headdesks*

I'm hopefully going to go and see Avatar SOMETIME in the near future... and my brother, who is gone now, cannot supply me with bootlegs! GRRRR! JERK OFF! xDD (Kidding Anthony I love you) But seriously... Tuesday's are just NOT my days! Though I did draw a really good picture... wait... that was last night... DAMMIT! TUESDAY'S=ALEX FAIL DAYS! >~< GOODBYE!!!!

