Blog Entry #61

And the epic fails CONTINUE! (It is national Alex Fail Week... the 3rd week in February... must remember this...) But today's was just DUMB! Like... I just spoke too fast... and here's how it went...

I was in Bio, and we were having a class discussion about birth defects caused by having one too many chromosomes, and he explained to us that there is a disorder where women are born with three X chromosome instead of just two, and that guys and blah blah blah... now onto the fail! I was talking to my friend Thane (Odd name, I know) and I said to him, "Silly boy! Girls don't have any X chromosomes!" EPIC FAIL! OH MY GOD! I'M NOT EVEN JOKING! HOW COULD I HAVE SAID THAT DAMMIT?! I'M TOO DUMB TO SURVIVE! I'M GOING TO BE IN AN AIRPLANE... ACCIDENTALLY PUNCH THE PILOT... AND BE STRANDED ON AN ISLAND WITH A BUNCH OF PHESANTS! I HATE PHESANTS! GODDAMMIT I SUCK! Only on Fridays... xD KIDDING! Sort of... xDDDDD

OKAY WELL...! GOODBYE! Hope you enjoyed my epic fail stories! ^^

